RE: RE: RE: Using the built-in Win2K/WinXP NTP cli
Posted: 10/2/2003 2:20:56 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 3,610
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Topic: Windows Administration
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Win2k Pro can only use its Domain Controller as an NTP source. 2k Server (and above, I imagine) can use external timesources. This is why setting the NTP server as or similar does not work in 2k Pro. Use a 3rd party shareware utility like Atomic Sync or the like for standalone Pro boxes.
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RE: RE: RE: Using the built-in Win2K/WinXP NTP cli
Posted: 10/2/2003 2:20:56 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 3,610
0 Dislikes: 0
Topic: Windows Administration

if I recall the saying correctly it`s like:
The one who says "It is impossible" should not disturb the one who`s doing it already.

This is *exactly* the topic of the original posting by Klom Dark, who decribes how to use a NTP-Server with *non* Server-Versions of Windows2000/XP.

And, by the way, it works!
I am pretty shure about this, because I already set up diffent Windows2000 machines to use NTP-Servers. They neither were member of a domain, nor domain controller.

I suggest to read the original post more carefully. ;-)

Have a nice day,

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RE: RE: RE: Using the built-in Win2K/WinXP NTP cli
Posted: 10/2/2003 2:20:56 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 3,610
0 Dislikes: 0
Topic: Windows Administration
That I am not sure of, I don't have any Win2K Pro machines running to test it on. It seems like I tried it on WinXP Pro and it worked, but don't remember for sure. I did try it on Win2003 Server and it worked.
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