Welcome to WebHack
Posted: 9/5/1999 4:25:13 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
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Topic: WebHack
Parent Message
From: Klom Dark
Date: 11/10/98
Time: 8:48:26 PM

Welcome the early stages of what will eventually become a web-based MUD. The basic internal database design is complete (I'm sure many more changes will manifest themselves as time and development goes on.) and now I am begining to flesh out the actual game interface code.

For the beginnings, do not expect much in the way of graphics, I envision a largely text-based interface for the whole thing. Even when it is finished I will probably stay away from a heavily graphical interface as I believe a MUD should be played in the mind, not onscreen. Perhaps things like a 'Monster Catalog' that can be browsed with pictures of the monsters, but while actually playing the game I do not expect pictures onscreen when 'Monster X' attacks. I think that takes away from the game (It definitely would with my artistic skills *snork* :)

At the time I write this, the workings of the game are quite sparse, the only thing you can do is wander from room to room and read the descriptions. The ability to do other things like interaction with various objects, monsters, traps, other player, etc., are yet to be coded. The backend database has support for all this but the interface code is yet to be written. But, this is becoming an addiction for me lately so I expect changes and additions frequently from now on.

Thanks for checking the game out. Suggestions, gameplay observations, bug reports, etc are all greatly appreciated!

- KlomDark

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