RE: Pocket PC Programming
Posted: 3/14/2004 5:13:47 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,728
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Topic: Programming: .NET Framework
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I went ahead and bought it. Not much of a change from Pocket PC 2002 if you ask me.

Still no built-in support for reading .chm help files. Still cannot put Pocket Internet Explorer into landscape mode. I rate those two as the lamest.

Screenspace on a PDA is rather scarce, and even with "Fit to Screen" turned on, I end up having to scroll back and forth to read a lot of web pages, including here. Sucks.

And with Microsoft changing their help format to the .chm (Compiled HTML I beleive it means), which is great on a normal PC, I am amazed that they don't have .chm support in Windows Mobile. Just stupid. As a techie by trade, nothing would be better that to put lots of technical reference material on my PDA, so when I am out on the server floor, I can look up information on the fly.

(But I did find Peter Tewkesbury's CHM Reader at The Code Project which is free, open-source, and works quite well, so I'm happy again, but still thinking it's insane that Microsoft doesn't have such a utility included by default.)

It works fine except when reading an eBook in Microsoft Reader, then shutting off the PDA, then turning it back on and continuing, usually about 2 - 5 pages later it pops up "Microsoft Reader can no longer access this book" and I end up having to click on Library, then reselect the book I was just reading, and then Most Recent page to get back to being able to read. Quite annoying. Anyone else run into this?
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RE: Pocket PC Programming
Posted: 3/14/2004 5:13:47 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,728
0 Dislikes: 0
Topic: Programming: .NET Framework
As far as the message about "Microsoft Reader is no longer able to access this book" - I found that only occurs when the book is stored on my 256 MB SD memory card. If stored in main memory or in the built-in flash memory, then no issues.

If anyone has any fixes for memory access issues with cheap (Walmart) SD cards, please post here! Thanks!
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