RE: That explains St. Anger
Posted: 3/18/2004 9:59:25 AM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
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Topic: Internet and WWW
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Just when I thought I'd heard it all.....
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St. Anger
Posted: 11/14/2005 11:03:26 AM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,551
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Topic: Internet and WWW
You bought that lame piece of crap? First three seconds is like "Yah! They're back!" and then sudden complete disappointment when Hetfield starts whining "Saaaiiiiiinnnntt Annnggggguuuuurrrr", the music slams on the breaks, the album goes into a nosedive and goes splatting into the ground hard.

Come on Hetfield, ya can't sing, you're never going to be able to sing, but you've got the best growls in the world, use what you've got. (And stop listening to Bob Rock, the Sith Lord of SUCK. I mean come on, the guys name is "Bob Rock", how can you get lamer than that, maybe "Bob Metal"?)

Metallica peaked with either Master of Puppets or Justice. (Master of Puppets was a musical masterpeice, Justice was a technical masterpiece.)

Black album was very good, but they were already trying to suck there, they just weren't good at it yet.
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