RE: Special Comment: Saving American Lives
Posted: 10/8/2009 11:07:04 AM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
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Topic: News: Politics
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nowhere is the subservience of the politicians more on display than in this health care debate - if that's what you want to call it

the instance of the health insurance company suing the state of maine over "guaranteed profits" theother day is a good example of the mind-numbing greed and averice of the proiteers

clearly against the public interest they argue for a system of death by profit with no conscience or morality

of course the senate's and congresses' own health care system (provided by the taxpayers at no cost) is the picture of a robust all-inclusive package

a package - though good enough for them - is too good for us apparently - the kind of dream package that has never even been mentioned in this debate because clearly - we the people - are not worthy

it underscores how much of our poverty and peasantry we have bought into and internalized that we don't even ask for a system as good as those on our payroll - and the payroll of the industries they are supposed to "oversee" - healthcare, the envirnment, mic etc

obama has pulled his twinkle toes act and has been skirting the issue since day one - not even bothering to develop his own plan at all

we have wads and wads of cash top kill innocent iraqis and afghanis but none to take care of our own citizens

there are the priorities

spill blood for corporate profit in every corner of the world - corporations who don't even pay their fair share of taxes - and then at home - drain the blood of the poor and working class drop by drop down the sewer

the president the congress and the senate are bought and paid for and we need to keep that in mind - we have seen how little they care - despite the bullshit they utter in sound bites on the news

after all it is the fool who keeps doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result

in short, we need a new plan stan

we need a public option

we need to get the big businesses out of the health care industry - they have proven they do not belong at the table

they have no interest other than profit

they are the venereal disease of this debate and we need a good shot of penicillin to get rid of them

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