RE: Special Comment: Saving American Lives
Posted: 10/8/2009 11:08:42 AM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,413
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Topic: News: Politics
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I forgot to thank Keith again here too for that hour broadcast. We need to encourage people whenever they stand up for us and show our support and appreciation.

The truth is we are all brothers and sisters. Even corporate titans are our brothers and sisters-- that is the truth! The truth can be accepted or denied. They are only human after all, running inhuman companies, fed by our sick "laws" for too long. We have helped create the present scenario as much as they have, by ignorance, or sensing we are helpless and lack power. If we demonize these humans as our scapegoats then we are not truly healing in a whole (holistic) way. We can make a new choice in the present for peace and social justice for all humans

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