RE: Special Comment: Saving American Lives
Posted: 10/8/2009 11:11:39 AM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
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Topic: News: Politics
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Keith's comments were extraordinary. I watched his show twice tonight, and was moved even more on the second viewing. He is to be commended for his candor. I wish all of our representatives would see this narrative. No one could help but not be moved by his words.

I am distressed, however, by some of the comments here. Keith, along with Michael Moore, is on OUR side. He is not with the Becks, Hannitys, O'Reillys, Lindbaughs, Baucuses, etc. He's with US. He's for single payer. And for all the right reasons. His branding of the insurance companies as "pimps" was completely on target.

Please, folks, understand that he's one of us, as is Rachel Maddow and Ed Schultz, and they are all lights in the darkness. Celebrate them, and quit trying to dissect their every word as "not quite progressive enough." I am so tired of the progressive bashing on this site of the media personalities who are clearly on the side of the people. Would that more were like them.

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RE: Special Comment: Saving American Lives
Posted: 10/8/2009 11:11:39 AM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,323
0 Dislikes: 0
Topic: News: Politics

Excellent post! I agree completely.

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