RE: Whole medical industry is nothing but thieves
Posted: 10/28/2009 1:06:37 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,417
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Topic: News: Politics
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Another pesky little fact 'they' don't want 'us' to grasp:

The CBO reports a 'public option' would cost $1 trillion over 10 years.

That's $100 billion/year. Divide that by 300 million Americans and you get about $330/year.

About a dollar a f@#king day! And our 'leaders' are blathering about how 'we' can't afford... a dollar a f@#king day for cheap gov health 'insurance'???! And 'we're' buying this total bullsh*t?

How's this - I'm willing to cop for $2 bucks a day - and, at those rates, I'll cop for my entire f@#king staff, too. Across the board - dollar-a-day raises!

Hey - you know who else gets 'universal health care' for about a buck of taxpayer money per day? The largest prison population on the planet...

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