RE: The Anti-Smoking Advocates Are Getting Dishonest
Posted: 3/8/2010 1:54:53 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,334
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Topic: News: Education
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I wonder if these "anti-smoking" advocates might be secretly funded by the huge tobacco companies for this "e-cig cause" & how "unsafe" they are !!  Something to seriously ponder.

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RE: The Anti-Smoking Advocates Are Getting Dishonest
Posted: 3/8/2010 1:54:53 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,334
0 Dislikes: 0
Topic: News: Education

I do. Finally - an almost risk-free way of consuming nicotine. This is seriously disruptive technology, similar to what the internet did to "normal" business in the last decade. After thousands/millions of years, you can enjoy the effect of tobacco, without the tobacco and the dire risks that go along with it. Why isnb't big tobacco already on this like flies on...? Government is basically stunned at this point - "Uh, safe smoking, now what do we do? We can't quite tax it as a vice tax if it's not actually cancerous. Crap, now we have to tax junk food. Call the waaaahbulance!

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