RE: RE: Eternal Life?...No God?....Nanobots?...
Posted: 4/16/2003 9:11:39 AM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,636
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Topic: Nanotechnology, Quantum Physics, Etc.
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Well,don't consider me as insane after reading what I am going to say.You all know,this world had been carrying on for so many billion years and I am really sick to see people getting hurt.If there's god,then human would leave in peace,people will not get hurt.However,it is a fact that people still get hurt,so you think there's god,NO.If I am able to completely manipulate nanotechnology,I believe that time will come,I will have everyone live eternal life.I will recreate the world.Issn't it beautiful,we will get to live in paradise.However.there's something that will still persist,fake love.Once everybody starts their immortality,we will wait for overcrowding,overpopulation until the world's resources all used up.Lethumanity perished once and for all and earth to die for at least the sake of the very will of human.Only when one dies,will he be free of pain.I believe I can do it.If possible then I will create god and then build a true paradise where no people will ever get hurt,troubled by love,troubled by anything cause the place is filled with the eternal love from god.
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