Fuck you
Posted: 12/2/1999 2:45:20 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,621
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Topic: News: Politics
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"We are only doing this to you because it is good for you" Come on you blind idiot. The cops are now up to beating and terrorizing law-abiding citizens in the Seattle area. Breaking windows and throwing in tear gas bombs, unprovoked. Setting bombs of in the middle of crowds of people that are simply peacfully chanting in protest. This is not what I want to see in America, or anywhere else for this matter.

If the WTO had any class, they would temporarily stop the meetings and instead figure out what the problem is before moving on. But, like all their type, they don't give a shit about anything but the easiest, most rapacious way to make a buck. Fuck you and your kind. So tell us how much stock you own in companies that stand to profit from the WTO's raping of the planet? That's typically the story with you disgusting people in favor of the WTO. Wow, taking advantage of uneducated third world people, that's classy. Let's also burn kittens while we are at it.
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Fuck you
Posted: 12/2/1999 2:45:20 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,621
0 Dislikes: 0
Topic: News: Politics
Are you talking to yourself?
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