Re: HOWTO: Fourth Dimensional Travel
Posted: 1/2/2007 4:01:01 AM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,647
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Topic: Science Fiction
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So, even if we do (even though you have) travel back in time, it would be nothing like the television shows that if the destroy or touch anything the entire future/now will change completely? it would just be like writing on a piece a paper then the universe grabs some white out and makes it disapear? but anyway.. so how exactly do you time travel? or is it clasified? ^_-
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Re: HOWTO: Fourth Dimensional Travel
Posted: 1/2/2007 4:01:01 AM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,647
0 Dislikes: 0
Topic: Science Fiction

Time travel is easy, just look "that" way. It's at a right-angle to the normal three dimensions, so it's a bit difficult to wrap your head around it the first time. Just keep trying amd you'll get it!

// It's not a schooner, it's a boat!

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