RE: RE: A trippy thought
Posted: 9/16/2002 1:03:44 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,747
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Topic: Science
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I argue against this. Most theories I have seen consider it a particle wave, which can contain mass under certain circumstances. This is one of those circumstances. Light IS affected by relativity, there's no escaping it. Even tachyons, which exist in an always-faster than light state, are affected by this: They cannot slow down below the speed of light and still exist.
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RE: RE: A trippy thought
Posted: 9/16/2002 1:03:44 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,747
0 Dislikes: 0
Topic: Science
Photons must have mass because light can be asorbed or bent around the gravitational field of a black hole...   i remember reading somewhere that astronomers had observer a binary star much further away than they should have been possibly able to. and this had been due to a blackhole deep in space acting as a giant lense - bending the light from a much more distant object and refocusing it.

and another reason - a mirror can be pushed by a beam of light hitting it - this was demonstrated by a fan inside of a vacuum sealed glass tube - when a light beam was directed against the blades it will start to turn.  forget the name of this instrument.

Interesting stuff though.

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