RE: Chosen By God To Lead America?
Posted: 4/29/2003 10:10:34 AM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,546
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Topic: News: Middle East
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Now you guys are finally starting to pay attention. I told friends, actually I yelled out loud to the world that if Bush became President, we would have a religious fanatic in power and that is a scary thing when one man thinks he is the right hand of God. He suffers from the same mental state of mind as a few of my family members and let me tell you, they are flat out nuts!!! Bush belongs to the same group of doomsday followers as my family (in which I am not allowed to be in contact with as I am a humanist and evil to them ) and I KNEW~~~~I ABSOLUTELY 100% KNEW exactly what BUSH was going to do as President because he has been possessed by this cult like far right whacko group of Christians. When they were still trying to convert me, I was told we were in the END times and BUSH was sent to lead the way.... I am NOT shitting you. I predicted war with Iraq even before 9/11. I now predict something even more catastrophic. I see a man hell bent on taking away our civil liberties and freedom of speech... The economy and foreign policies will only worsen as time goes on for the Bush administration. Our only hope to see any light is to elect a new President next election. If he wins again... I fear for all of us and I fear other countries may not wish to put up with his antics. The more power we allow this crazed lunatic to control, it may be possible he converts many to his zealous religion as he creates the end times himself!!! How can I become a Canadian citizen?
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