RE: Access via Browser
Posted: 7/17/2003 5:02:22 AM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,955
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Topic: Linux
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Thank you for that information. So I added this directive:

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

to my conf file in the root httpd directory and rebooted (I am using Cobalt Raq 4).

But it doesn't seem to have made a difference. Is this because the server will only follow symbolic links  where the target file or directory is in the top level of the 'sites' directory?

Within sites I have the individual user web directories and etc. Here are my instructions

cd /home/sites/
ln -s /home/sites/  images

successfully creates the 'alias' images directory in site2... but If I navigate to it vai a browser, permission is denied???
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RE: Access via Browser
Posted: 7/17/2003 5:02:22 AM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,955
0 Dislikes: 0
Topic: Linux
OK, now I see what you are trying to do. It will be even easier for you to just get rid of the symlink and use an Alias directive in httpd.conf.

Also, check that the account you are running your web server under has read access to the directory/files referenced by the symlink/alias. (The security of the symbolic link itself is basically transparent.)

If you do a:

chmod o+r filename

It will give all users Read permissions to the file specified by filename.
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