Anti-Cheating added
Posted: 9/5/1999 4:28:48 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,628
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Topic: WebHack
Parent Message
From: Klom Dark
Date: 11/18/98
Time: 11:00:00 AM

Added code to prevent a way for sneaky people to cheat. Previously in the code for moving from room to room or to get/take an object, if you were to change the value in the "?Room=x" or "?Item=x" then it would be possible to jump to a room that was not connected to the room you are currently in, or to take/drop/steal an object in a different room, owned by a different player, etc. Figure it would make the game much more enjoyable for everyone ('cept cheaters!) if I fixed that potential problem.

The next thing I am going to work on is tools for world construction and administering game play. I need to get these in place before I code in the multi-user and monster combat parts. All this stuff will be behind-the-scenes code so you may not notice any changes for the next few days. I will keep up these notes for people to follow along with however.

BTW, saw the new Star Wars: Episode I (The Dark Menace) preview last night at the theater. All I can say is "I can't wait!!!!!!" Cool cool cool!!!

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