New database server
Posted: 4/25/2004 9:27:58 PMBy: Comfortably Anonymous
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Topic: Raid on the Forest of Horrors
If you notice that the game is running a lot more snappy the last few days - I moved the database from a Pentium 75 (Really!) with 48 megs RAM to an 800 Mhz Athlon system with 640 megs RAM. Much better.
Let's all have a moment of silence for the old database server, Dreaming. Dreaming has been an excellent, problem-free machine since I started ROTFOH many years ago. It still works, but it's just too slow these days, so it's getting turned off and stashed with my other ancient machines, like my original Commodore 64 and Packard Bell 386sx/25. It's a little sad, but progress keeps happening.
Let's all have a moment of silence for the old database server, Dreaming. Dreaming has been an excellent, problem-free machine since I started ROTFOH many years ago. It still works, but it's just too slow these days, so it's getting turned off and stashed with my other ancient machines, like my original Commodore 64 and Packard Bell 386sx/25. It's a little sad, but progress keeps happening.
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