IE: How to stop clicking noise every few seconds
Posted: 5/12/2004 2:37:54 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 4,110
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Topic: Internet and WWW
The Windows operating system often sets a default "click" sound (or it may be some other system sound such as a "ding") that plays every time you click a button or a frame is refreshed. Some of our pages use hidden frames reloading periodically to achieve certain functionality. You may have noticed this on other web sites as well.

Windows 95/98/2000: If you want to disable the clicking sound in MS Windows 95/98 then open the Start Menu / Settings / Control Panel and double click on the "Sounds and Multimedia" control panel. In this control panel, Choose the "Sounds: tab, scroll down in the "Sound Events" window until you reach "Windows Explorer" and under this you will find "Start Navigation". Click on "Start Navigation" and you will see a .wav file appear in the "Name:" box. This is the sound that is associated with the click sound. In the "Name:" drop down menu, select "(None)" and then hit "OK".

Windows NT: If you want to disable the clicking sound in MS Windows NT then open the Start Menu / Settings / Control Panel and double click on the "Sounds" control panel. In this control panel, Scroll down in the events window until you reach "Windows Explorer" and under this you will find "Start Navigation". Click on "Start Navigation" and you will see a .wav file appear in the "Name:" box. This is the sound that is associated with the click sound. In the "Name:" drop down menu, select "(None)" and then hit "OK".

This will set no sound to be played when you're navigating on the web. Keep in mind that this will remove the click sound from buttons and links on all web sites you visit until you set it back. This is a safe change to make and does not affect any other functionality of your Windows Explorer browser.
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