Seattle WTO Protests
Posted: 12/2/1999 2:12:28 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 2,498
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Topic: News: Politics
For the first time in most of our lifetimes, there is a significant social protest going on. With feelings so strong that people are clashing with police, and the typical (boring) response from the media that it's just a few freaks doing the protesting. However, there are thousands who know that what the WTO is doing is NOT RIGHT!

If you have the resources - go now and join the protests before more of our rights are stolen!
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RE: Seattle WTO Protests
Posted: 12/2/1999 2:24:22 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,904
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Topic: News: Politics
WTF is with a 24 hour curfew in an American City? Isn't this the land of the free? If tensions are this high, maybe we should look at the source of the problem (WTO's inhumane practices) than condemn those (the average person, who stands to lose, not profit, from the WTO's New World Order thinking) who protest against!

Anybody up to forming a network of car/truck/bus pools to travel to join the resistance in Seattle?
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RE: Seattle WTO Protests
Posted: 12/2/1999 2:37:34 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 2,002
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Topic: News: Politics
Oh come on. You are blowing this out of proportion. The World Trade Organization has brought a lot of good things to a lot of people. All they are trying to do is let the free market economy regulate trade conditions instead of letting clueless politicians make trade restrictions. This will help a lot of third world countries. So drop it you lame idiots.
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CyberHippies web protest
Posted: 12/2/1999 3:45:37 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,858
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Topic: News: Politics
See to see how to join in the web protest against the WTO!
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