Such stupid people who destroyed the economy
Posted: 9/20/2008 1:54:47 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 2,305
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Topic: History of this planet

1st: The figure on CEO pay has been going around for MONTHS, if not years. If you haven't been paying attention, it's not my fault. Google 'CEO Pay' and I'm sure you will find it.

2nd: As to the economy when Jimmy Carter was President, blame that on Nixon and his escalation of the Viet Nam war. Carter was smart enough to know that we had to pay that back, and he did. It wasn't politically brilliant, but it was the right thing to do. Unfortunately, Reagan used that as an excuse to go union busting, and turn the entire economy into the piece of trash we have now.

3rd: If you think that the rich are paying more in taxes than the rest of us, look it up. They own 98% of all the wealth in this country now but only pay 48% of the taxes. Call THAT equitable? I don't. I call it a screwing of the humans in the country for the benefit of the few, the greedy, the selfish.

4th: Exxon did NOT pay $10.5 billion in taxes, they had $10.5 BILLION IN PROFIT last quarter. HUGE difference. It's a world record profit level, in ANY industry, and they didn't even bother to pay for the leases they owe the country for to begin with. Look into the recent scandal from the interior department in Denver and tell me that ANYTHING having to do with the oil bastards is fair and equitable or them even doing their share at all.

5th: I stand by my original statement. Reagan started this upside down crap about the economy [The lie that 'wealth trickles down from the rich', when instead 'wealth trickles UP from the working class'.] will work if you just assuage the greed of the ultra rich, and everyone else will benefit from their largess. Nothing could be further from the truth, and that has been proven by even a quick look at the numbers ever since. You cannot starve the majority, give tax breaks to the rich and business, then run all the jobs off to foreign countries and expect things to work out. It NEVER has in the history of man, and it never will. The last time it was tried, we had October of 1929. And that time we weren't $10 TRILLION in debt. Now we are. and the republicans couldn't be happier. Only thing is, lots of us are smarter than they are, and our outlook isn't being tempered by greed. It's tempered by survival. And we KNOW it's the republicans who have done this to us.

6th: Learn some history and THEN tell me how well the Alzheimer's economy works. Tell me how well that 1929 thing worked for the country, and it's inhabitants. And then tell me what happens to a country that is essentially bankrupt and refuses to pay it's bills. You don't get it, do you? Reaganomics is a shell game, and all the shells are turned over. It's done. Cooked. No more water at the well. Cutting taxes every time you turn around gets you where we are now, with a crumbling infrastructure and no way to fix it. It gets you a workforce that has no jobs, no manufacturing sector to speak of, and larger exports of raw materials than of finished goods. Before Reagan, we were the world's largest creditor. Now we are it's largest debtor. It's completely unsustainable, and you just don't get that, do you?

7th: The price of being in an actual society is taxes. If you want to be able to drive on safe roads, cross safe bridges, go to decent schools, and have a chance at a future, you have to deal with that. If you want to run a company, taxes are just part of the cost of doing business. Always have been, or at least have been until the republicans screwed the rest of us so they could profit wildly. And now we all get to pay AGAIN so they can be bailed out in this "FREE MARKET", which is no such thing. In an actual free market, these companies would be allowed to fail, regardless of how large they are. What we have no is welfare.

And like I asked, what part of the Republican party are you getting paid by? They are the ONLY people who are foolish enough to think that more of the same will fix anything. It is, in fact, the definition of insanity to keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

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HOWTO: Keep the Economy Alive
Posted: 9/21/2008 11:09:39 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,799
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Topic: History of this planet

If the patient (economy) is hemorrhaging and all you do is give more transfusions without fixing the cause, the patient will die.

Fix this not by giving more money to the banks, instead give money to the taxpayers who are barely able to keep a roof over their heads. Give tax money back to the taxpayers who paid that money. Now there's an idea that makes far more sense.

These companies/organizations "in charge" have adequately demonstrated that they are incompetent thieves, and according to the "free market" religion, the free market should immediately cast them out of the gene pool. They are not only incompetent, they are also incontinent it seems with all the fewmets (dragon droppings) heading our (the ordinary people) way. It's time for them to stop defecating feces at us and start dropping golden nuggets at us.

It's the only true, long-term solution that won't bankrupt anybody or anything. Instead of putting every taxpayer in the country $64,000 further into debt, instead give every taxpayer $64,000. The measly $1,500 they gave out earlier this year was only a couple house payments for normal people, or even less - not enough for anyone to seriously catch up with all the massively increased prices for basic necessities. The rich don't like that, cause it'll create inflation, meaning that their money is worth less. Sure, it makes our money worth less too, but a few percent of $20,000 is a lot less than a few percent of a billion.

But think of this: Most people will just hand it right to the banks anyway, to help pay down mortgages that they cannot afford. Bang - We've killed two birds with one stone(!!!) - BOTH the Banking Liquidity Crisis, AND taken a major load of every struggling taxpayer. Think About It - It makes way too much sense and is even very simple to understand.

Big Corporations and Big Governement should try becoming symbiotic with us instead of being parasites on those very people who make it so they can rise to these outrageous heights. It'll be better for everybody.

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