RE: HOWTO: Keep the Economy Alive
Posted: 9/22/2008 8:56:41 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
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Topic: History of this planet
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I used that post in a letter I sent to my congressman, Lee Terry.

Here's the whole thing I sent:

First time I've written to you, but have participated in a couple of your town hall phone conferences.

I don't even know how to properly compose my thoughts on this issue, but I've got to say that I am completely opposed to this trillion dollar fat cat bailout that's being proposed. I've been researching it a lot over the weekend. While yes, it's going to mean near-term problems for the economy if we don't bail these people out, I think it's going to create far more long-term problems if we do the bailout of these same people who mismanaged the economy. No lesson learned, and my unborn grandchildren on the hook for it. The numbers come out to where EVERY taxpayer in this country ends up an additional $64,000 in debt. Not an acceptable solution.

Please help the "real" people of the country. Nature abhors a vacuum and if these companies fail, then more pragmatic companies will fill the void.

Do your best to avoid this future quagmire. Don't rescue the fat cats, rescue the "ordinary" people who are already struggling so bad.

Here's my suggestion on how to handle this situation in a better manner. (I think you'll find it an interesting solution that can fix two major problems at one time):

To put it in medical triage terminology: If the patient (the economy in this case) is hemorrhaging and all you do is give more transfusions without fixing the cause, the patient will die.

Fix this not by giving more money to the banks, instead give money to the taxpayers who are barely able to keep a roof over their heads. Give tax money back to the taxpayers who paid that money. Now there's an idea that makes far more sense.

These companies/organizations "in charge" have adequately demonstrated that they are incompetent thieves, and according to the "free market" religion, the free market should immediately cast them out of the gene pool. They are not only incompetent, they are also incontinent it seems with all the fewmets (dragon droppings) heading our (the ordinary people) way. It's time for them to stop defecating feces at us and start dropping golden nuggets at us.

It's the only true, long-term solution that won't bankrupt anybody or anything. Instead of putting every taxpayer in the country $64,000 further into debt, instead give every taxpayer $64,000. The measly $1,500 they gave out earlier this year was only a couple house payments for normal people, or even less - not enough for anyone to seriously catch up with all the massively increase prices for basic necessities. The rich don't like that, cause it'll create inflation, meaning that their money is worth less. Sure, it makes our money worth less too, but a few percent of $20,000 is a lot less than a few percent of a billion.

But think of this: Most people will just hand it right to the banks anyway, to help pay down mortgages that they cannot afford. Bang - We've killed two birds with one stone(!!!) - BOTH the Banking Liquidity Crisis, AND taken a major load of every struggling taxpayer. Think About It - It makes way too much sense and is even very simple to understand.

Big Corporations and Big Governement should try becoming symbiotic with us instead of being parasites on those very people who make it so they can rise to these outrageous heights. It'll be better for everybody.

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RE: HOWTO: Keep the Economy Alive
Posted: 9/22/2008 10:43:29 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,484
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Topic: History of this planet

Lee Terry is such a Republican Puppett....  Curious as to what he has to say about this issue...Hope you remember to post his reply... If you even get one. ; )

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Unbelievable!! The bailout has failed!! :)
Posted: 9/29/2008 1:55:33 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,634
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Topic: History of this planet

WOW!  I thought I was wasting my time, but Lee Terry voted AGAINST (!!!!!) the bailout!

WASHINGTON- Today Congressman Terry (R-NE) voted against the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, H.R. 3997.  The bill failed on a vote of 205-228.

“The magnitude of increasing federal bureaucracy with $700 billion of taxpayer money is not a decision to be made so quickly.  I truly believe there are other options including using the private market that should be thoughtfully considered by Congress.   I look forward to continuing work in a timely fashion on this critical matter,” said Congressman Terry.

I find myself very confused. A Republican saved us from the Democrats? WTF? Did I just wake up in backwards-land? I can't believe what I've seen in the last few days: The Democrats teaming up with George Bush, and the Republicans against them? For once, standing up for their "free market" ideology?

Very happy about this, it's going to be some tough times we have to go through in the next few months - the economy isn't going to do all the well for a while, but so much better than the long-term "delay it till after the election" effects that would have happened had this crappy bailout bill passed. Better to vomit profusely now, then live through the hangover if we'd tried to keep this in our stomachs! (To use a disgusting analogy!)

This impresses me, this is what I have always ideologically expected of my politicians, but rarely see it. I think I'm going to have to do something bizaare - voting for a Republican. As much as it pains me to say, Lee Terry has EARNED my vote. I was 100% against him until today. Crazy... :)

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