Unbelievable!! The bailout has failed!! :)
Posted: 9/29/2008 1:55:33 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
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Topic: History of this planet
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WOW!  I thought I was wasting my time, but Lee Terry voted AGAINST (!!!!!) the bailout!

WASHINGTON- Today Congressman Terry (R-NE) voted against the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, H.R. 3997.  The bill failed on a vote of 205-228.

“The magnitude of increasing federal bureaucracy with $700 billion of taxpayer money is not a decision to be made so quickly.  I truly believe there are other options including using the private market that should be thoughtfully considered by Congress.   I look forward to continuing work in a timely fashion on this critical matter,” said Congressman Terry.

I find myself very confused. A Republican saved us from the Democrats? WTF? Did I just wake up in backwards-land? I can't believe what I've seen in the last few days: The Democrats teaming up with George Bush, and the Republicans against them? For once, standing up for their "free market" ideology?

Very happy about this, it's going to be some tough times we have to go through in the next few months - the economy isn't going to do all the well for a while, but so much better than the long-term "delay it till after the election" effects that would have happened had this crappy bailout bill passed. Better to vomit profusely now, then live through the hangover if we'd tried to keep this in our stomachs! (To use a disgusting analogy!)

This impresses me, this is what I have always ideologically expected of my politicians, but rarely see it. I think I'm going to have to do something bizaare - voting for a Republican. As much as it pains me to say, Lee Terry has EARNED my vote. I was 100% against him until today. Crazy... :)

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Operation: Mindcrime
Posted: 9/29/2008 10:14:52 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,483
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Topic: History of this planet

Seven years of power, the corporation claw
The rich control the government, the media, the law
To make some kind of difference, then everyone must know
Eradicate the facists, revolution will grow

The system we learn says we're equal under law
But the streets are reality, the weak and poor will fall
Let's tip the power balance, and tear down their crown
Educate the masses, we'll burn the White House down


Religion and sex are powerplays, manipulate the people for the money they pay
Selling skin, or selling god, the numbers look the same on the credit cards

Fighting fire with empty words
While the banks get fat
the poor stay poor
the rich get rich
and the cops get paid
to look away
as the one percent rules everything

--Queensryche, "Operation: Mindcrime"

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The sky didn't fall today!!
Posted: 9/30/2008 8:19:37 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,550
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Topic: History of this planet

But hopefully (hopefully not too hopefully), the people got a taste of their own power when they stood up against the asinine bailout bill yesterday - and WON!! This could be all the people needed was a little encouragement from a victory and then seize the reigns of this out of control country once again!

And the sky didn't fall - think about it - the stock market climbed 800 points on Friday on anticipation of this "sure to pass" bailout steal-from-the-middle-class bill, then dropped 700 points yesterday in the stunned shock of the citizens standing against it. Yet today, it climbed up almost 500 points. So instead of the economy slamming to a stop, it has risen (800 - 700 + 500) almost 600 points in the last four business days. Don't fall for the bullshit - Paulson was just trying to declare himself the world's emperor. The sky's not falling!!!

Just keep on their toes - they're sure to start trying all over again. It's close to the election, but not so close that a third party couldn't rise to prominence in the next few weeks now that we see that both McCain and Obama were both in on the scam. I was going to vote for Obama, but now I don't see how I can vote for him, and definitely not McCain. I think the current environment is the best opportunity we've had in decades for a third party to knock out one of the current mirror-image parties that currently dominate the wheel of politics. I for one think it's way past time for a party that truly stands up for the ordinary people.

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Lee Terry smells like pork
Posted: 10/3/2008 1:44:36 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,670
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Topic: History of this planet

After having my hopes up high that Lee Terry did the right thing on Monday by voting against the bullshit bailout, I see now that he's turned around and shown his true colors by stabbing us all in the back and making our grandchildren pay for the rich pigs of today by voting for this even more porkful version of the bailout today. With some bullshit story about "to save ourselves we must also save the pigs". What a wishy washy fuckhead.

Here's my latest email to him:


You short-sighted imbecile. No vote from me... Thanks for enslaving my grandchildren. Fuck off.


Don't vote for this corrupt sleaze.

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