By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,746
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Topic: Weird stuff
Hard to believe the rest after getting to the "urban myth" about goldfish having only a three-second memory. That one is so untrue it's not funny. In fact, virtually ALL fish have been proven to have excellent memory skills, intelligence levels at least equal to more familiar animals such as dogs, cats, birds etc, partner recognition, excellent family skills as well as extended societies. Human ignorance is no excuse for lack of research or awareness. To go a step further, one could easily postulate that it is the humans with the "three-second memory" and very limited communication skills. Although difficult to prove, those of us with the ability to telepath with animals are deeply aware of their inate intelligence and humankind's gross ignorance. A zoo is a most depressing place - but then nothing like those aquarium-style Chinese restaurants where the truly depraved can pick their live crab or fish or whatever from the tank and have it cooked and consumed in front of their other helpless victims. We're just a dumb predator species truly ignorant of the realms of intelligent life we share (or rather dominate over) our planet with. If only we were all sensitive enough to hear the endless screams.
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,482
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Topic: Weird stuff
What was that? I'd forgotten the beginning by the time I got done reading that.