By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 2,265
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Topic: News: Omaha
Since they have so many issues with posts "disappearing", I'm going to start keeping copies of my posts here along with a link to the articles they were in reply to.
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,779
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Topic: News: Omaha
If we don't bring some sanity to how healthcare is done in this country, you're going to pay even more when all the retiring baby boomers start doing the "free" emergency room visits as it's their only option. Much more expensive than a morally-upright, humane universal healthcare system it will be. Having to not only pay the gouging healthcare companies and insurance middlemen, but also the bill collectors, the tax breaks given to cover the indigent, and whoever else gloms onto the scam.
The status quo is over. I think it not actually good for me personally [in the short term anyway], being white and with good insurance, but I also am convinced that it's the right thing to do - we're all on the same team at the end of the day.
While I'm against this particular bill due to the exclusion of the single-payer/public option (I think that's the only logical option, and it was stricken from the bill), I'm not against the idea of affordable single-payer universal healthcare provided by the government - in fact I'm 100% in favor of it.
Government exists to serve the citizens (in theory anyway) and make it easier to have a better life, and this is a prime example of something that the government SHOULD provide.
If you're worried people are going to lose their jobs at all the insurance companies around here - well, that's going to suck for them, but they done hooked their carts to the wrong horse. An evil, pale horse that feeds on death and human suffering.
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,655
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Topic: News: Omaha
The System Has Failed. They red, white and blew it. Medals are useless. Uncle Sam's forgotten you. You're not important no one will ever come. Nuclear battlefields energised. Cold wars are heating up again. The tension is mounting. People - lift up your fists in revenge. The stage is set. Who will be the first to blink? We can go to war, remember that "Vietnam thing". Peace at any price. Can you put a price on peace? Weakness runs in your family. What runs in theirs is death. Appeasement only makes the aggressor more aggressive. Blackmail the universe with the greatest of calamities. And in hatred you see men as they really are. (Re-arranged [and weirdly edited to give it parody] Megadeth lyrics.)
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,809
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Topic: News: Omaha
Severe inflation of the dollar is always preceded by outrageous taxation. Looks like a 5.6% reduction in the value of a dollar for last year. Country's gone bankrupt I think, they're just trying to keep us peons from starting a panic until they can unwind their money from the system.