By: Comfortably Anonymous
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Topic: News: Miscellaneous
So-called "Free Market Capitalism" (the big lie) is the state religion of the United States of Global Domination. The corporations are the un-physical body of the their God. Money is their form of prayer. "It's the economy" is one of their favorite refrains by the choir.
Equal access to justice and any semblance of democracy is anathema to this religion which worships monetary profit and mind-numbing compliance. It is no different than any other corrupt religion with dreams of UNIVERSAL domination.
Its greatest fraudulent deceit is in its invocation of that which it least represents and most desperately despises. Freedom.
The "congregation sings "Security, security, security" as the rattle of their self-applied chains and shackles pulse a rhythm. Meanwhile, the acolyte media shiver in an orgiastic frenzy of distraction as the "minister" decries the EVIL as ever-growing outside.
The "high-point" of this ceremony of submission is when the congregation files forward toward the altar, which is resplendent with phallic weaponry, in the deepest of passionate devotion, to offer themselves, or at least their offspring, to be PROUDLY sacrificed in an effort to make more room in the church for the ever-growing altar.
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,549
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Topic: News: Miscellaneous
Welcome to the New Dark Ages.
Welcome to the New Fascism.
Witness the birth of the Corporate States of America.
Now the average American will be able to see and experience first hand what the rest of the world already knows as hard, cruel fact. You will experience need, poverty, privation, brutality and repression in the name of the almighty dollar. And you will have brought it on yourselves.
You have mid-term election coming up very quickly. Those elected will be the first round of politicians bought outright, right in public for all to see. No more hiding behind lobbyists and special interest groups.
The 'elections' in 2012 won't even bother to be anything more than mummery and charade. The Corporations choice, probably Palin, will be rammed down your throats with pretty packaging and PR.
And the really sad fact will be the vast majority of Americans will still think they had a 'choice'.
Your country became a Corporate led Fascist Dictatorship in November of 2000. The fraudulent 'election' of George W. Bush was the death of democracy for you.
Obama has led you by the nose into an ever tightening police state.
And now those who have the least interest in keeping you alive will control the very quality of those lives.
You loosed this beast upon the world.
Time for you to live with the consequences.