By: Comfortably Anonymous
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Topic: News: Middle East
Why are we farking there? Was it Osama Bin Ladin? Remember when they said they had him cornered in a secret lair in the mountains of Tora Bora? I was all excited to see his Dr Evil hideout. Whatever happened with that guy?
Is it to build a pipeline through the country and control the flow of oil? Because we could've done that without bombing a bunch of people gathered for family reunions and weddings.
Is it b/c the Taliban is brutal to gays and women? Because I live in Dominionist central and there are plenty of American Christians who can't wait to turn this place into a dark ages theocracy.
Was it to spread Democracy through the Middle East? Because I don't think they're going to be listening to our point once the smoke clears.
Was it to claim all of the minerals that the Soviets found in the 70s? Because we could've, you know, traded money for those. Instead, we're paying for this stupid farking war AND we'll pay for all of those minerals. Seems like a pretty big mark up.
Is it to satiate the Military Industrial Complex's constant need for war, to keep a few rich white guys at a depraved level of wealth? Because I'd gladly give them 80 cents on my tax dollar (as opposed to .75) if they'd just leave the rest of the world alone and quit killing people.