Water Thieving Bums are Taking Over West Omaha!
Posted: 6/27/2011 7:51:16 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 2,172
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Topic: Women Only

I have a lady that lives across the street from me RIGHT NOW and has been without water for months now and when I call and report the child living in filth there, they just told me that it is not illegal for her to not have water.

This lady has her live in boyfriend take 5 gallon buckets of water from my house and my neighbors while we are at work during the daytime and my son was home from school one day and seen him walking up my drive way to steal my water. I called the city and had all the water lines leading to the outside of my house shut off completely.

Child Protective Services has been to this womans house quite frequently and they keep the 2 year old in the home. She goes around the neighborhood begging for money to buy the child diapers but use the money for drugs so myself and the neighbors stop giving her help.

CPS is a BIG JOKE!!!

They dont care until it is too late or the family makes the news. I also received a $400 water bill that verified they had been stealing my water!

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RE: Water Thieving Bums are Taking Over West Omaha!
Posted: 6/27/2011 8:26:05 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,526
0 Dislikes: 0
Topic: Women Only

Hey, that's me doing the bucket brigade. You know me, my name is Theodorious Penguin, but you usually call me Mr. Penguin.

You've talked to me several times, telling me how I should get my life together and go to church and things will get better for me.
You've got all those decorative religious signs in your garden "Jesus Saves", "God Loves You", I've really been thinking about what you've said about getting my life together the past few times we've talked. I've come to understand that you have been such a kind Christian woman, letting me take 10 gallons of water a day (2 trips carrying a single 5 gallon plastic bucket.), so that me, my common law wife, and my son, will have water to drink, and we can have at least sponge baths before we go to bed each night.
We really appreciate your generosity. Seeing someone like yourself, being so selfless to help those in need, makes me want to start going to church with you, as you've asked so many times. I will not take any more of your water, I didn't know you had any problem. You should have told me when you talked to me on the sidewalk on Saturday morning. I would have been happy to pay you for the water.
At current residential prices, for 6 months of water, at 10 gallons a day for approx 30 days a month, is about 1800 gallons total. As they put their rates most bizaarely at $255.95 per 92,000 gallons. So, we're gonna have to do some math here. Try and follow along, I know it can be confusing at times.
If 92,000 gallons costs $255.95, then how much does 1800 gallons of water cost? Not quite $3. I think I can get that much by taking the cans from your recycle bin on trash night, and will gladly pay you the $3, heck, I'll even double it to $6, now you're making a profit!!

I'm not sure why your bill was $400 a month, but it wasn't me.


I will pay you the money, and then I would like to go to church. 

I hope they have a drinking fountain there, I'd hate for my familiy to have to go back to drinking from the public toilet.

You are very kind, an inspiration to the rest of us!

Thank you.

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