Whites 5900di Pro
Posted: 7/5/1999 5:11:19 PMBy: Comfortably Anonymous
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Topic: Metal Detecting and Treasure Hunting
I got one for my birthday. I like it a lot, but am kind of confused on the different controls. I live in an area (Omaha, Nebraska) with a lot of junk in the soil (Bottlecaps, cans, etc.). I crank the discriminator up to maximum, and still get all kinds of false readings. I would think that at maximum, I should get little, if any, readings.
I tried it in my friends yard in Bement, Illinois. He had very little junk in the yard. The detector worked great there, it took us about 20 minutes to find about 5 coins. (Even a wheat penny in relatively good condition.) This proved to me that the detector works fine, but still leaves me confused about what could be making the discriminator work so strangely in my own yard.
Anyone have any ideas on what I may be doing wrong?
I tried it in my friends yard in Bement, Illinois. He had very little junk in the yard. The detector worked great there, it took us about 20 minutes to find about 5 coins. (Even a wheat penny in relatively good condition.) This proved to me that the detector works fine, but still leaves me confused about what could be making the discriminator work so strangely in my own yard.
Anyone have any ideas on what I may be doing wrong?
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By: Comfortably Anonymous
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Topic: Metal Detecting and Treasure Hunting
RE: Whites 5900di Pro
Posted: 7/7/2003 5:35:20 PMBy: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,991
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Topic: Metal Detecting and Treasure Hunting
your yard stinks and you trash it to much
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