Wheat Ale
Posted: 7/5/1999 5:21:57 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 3,321
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Topic: Homebrewing
One of my hobbies is brewing beer at home. I am contantly on a quest for the ultimate wheat ale! I have been able to nearly clone the taste of Boulevard Wheat in the bottle. Too bad Boulevard is best out of a keg: I have to get kegging equipment before I can make sure it taste as good as kegged Boulevard! They have the best tasting yeast I have found. Wyeast's American Ale yeast seems to very similar to whatever Boulevard uses. I have been using it lately to brew my wheat ales.

Anyone have any luck getting the yeast in the bottom of a store-bought bottle of Boulevard Wheat to come back to life? I've tried a couple of times and have not been able to get anything to happen with it.
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RE: Boulevard Wheat Ale Recipe
Posted: 5/17/2001 10:51:50 AM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 2,476
0 Dislikes: 0
Topic: Homebrewing

I'm interested in your recipe for the Boulevard wheat ale. It's one of my favorite beers. The problem is, I'm in New York state and can't buy it here. I travel to KC a couple of times a year, and it's one beer that I always look for when I'm there. I've been to their website and I've found some information on the ingredients. I would appreciate a copy of your recipe. Thanks in advance.
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