By: Comfortably Anonymous
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Topic: Science Fiction
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|_| Ver. 1.5.2
By Froesch14
I. - Copyright
II. - The Guide
- Guide Purpose
- Using This Guide
III. - Concepts
- Pinball Basics
- Catching
- Drain
- Table Reset
- Extra Balls
- Replay Balls
- Nudge/Tilt
- End of Game
- High Scores
IV. - Game Information
- Version
- Operating System
- Synopsis
V. - Program Controls & Menus
- Game Controls
- Menus
- Function Keys
- Dialog Boxes
VI. - Scoreboard
VII. - Table
- Areas
- Drain Area
- Launch Area
- Re-entry Area
- Elements
- Bumpers
- Attack Bumpers
- Engine Bumpers
- Satellite Bumper
- Chutes & Ramps
- Deployment Chute
- Fuel Chute
- Hyperspace Chute
- Launch Ramp
- Flags
- Fuel Flag
- Huperspace Flag
- Kickers
- Blackhole Kicker
- Out-Lane Kickers
- Secondary Out-Lane Kicker
- Wormhole
- Lanes
- Bonus Lane
- Engine/Launch Lanes
- Out-Lanes
- Re-Entry Lanes
- Return Lanes
- Skill Shot Lane
- Rollovers
- Fuel Rollover
- Spacewarp Rollover
- Targets, Drop
- Booster Targets
- Medal Targets
- Multiplier Targets
- Targets, Spot
- Comet (Right Hazard) Targets
- Fuel Targets
- Mission Targets
- Radiation (Left Hazard) Targets
- Wormhole Target
- Miscellaneous Elements
- Center Post
- Rebounds
- Lights
- Chute Lights
- Deployment Chute
- Fuel Chute
- Launch Ramp
- Skill Shot Arrow (Hyperspace Chute)
- Skill Shot Arrow (Launch Ramp)
- Kicker Lights
- Gravity Well
- Hyperspace Kicker
- Out-Lane Kicker Arrow
- Replay
- Secondary Out-Lane Kicker Arrow
- Wormhole Exit Arrow
- Lane Lights
- Bonus Lane
- Engine/Launch Lanes
- Out-Lane (Extra Ball)
- Re-Entry Lanes
- Return Lanes
- Mission Lights
- Mission Accept Arrow
- Mission Arrows
- Maelstrom Hyperspace Arrow
- Progress
- Rank
- Time Warp Hyperspace Arrow
- Time Warp Launch Arrow
- Targets, Drop Lights
- Booster
- Field Multiplier
- Flag Upgrade
- Medal
- Targets, Spot Lights
- Comet
- Fuel
- Mission
- Radiation
- Wormhole
- Miscellaneous Lights
- Center Post
- Deployment Arrows
- Maelstrom
- Rebound
- Space Warp
- Tilt
VIII. - Messages
- Informational
- Instructional
IX. - Missions
- Mission Basics
- Rank: Cadet
- Ranks: Ensign & Lieutenant
- Ranks: Captain & Lt. Commander
- Ranks: Commander & Commodore
- Ranks: Admiral & Fleet Admiral
- Mission Progress Notices
- Mission Completion Notices
- Final Mission Note
X. - Secondary Objectives
- Center Post
- Extra Ball
- Out-lane Kickers
- Replay Ball
- Re-fuel
- Skipping Ranks
- Upgrade Bumpers
XI. - Bonuses, Jackpots & Awards
- Bonus
- Bonus Lane
- Crash Bonus
- Center Post
- Extra Ball
- Field Multiplier
- Flag Upgrade
- Hyperspace Bonus
- Jackpot
- Replay Ball
- Reflex Shot Award
- Return Lane Bonus
- Skill Shot
XII. - Multi-Player Mode
XIII. - Cheat Codes
- Max Codes
- Test Codes
XIV. - Advice & Strategy
- General Advice
- Specific Advice
- Things to Get Good At
XV. - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) & Comments
XVI. - Thanks
XVII. - Version History
I. Copyright
This guide may not be reproduced in-whole or in-part for any reasons other than personal or private use. It may not be publicly distributed without the express written consent of the author. Use of this guide without express written consent is strictly prohibited and a violation of copyright.
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.
Copyright 2006-2008 Michael Morin (Froesch14)
II. The Guide
Guide Purpose
> This guide was created to address certain short-comings, errors and inaccuracies observed in the game Help and other 3D Space Cadet Pinball Guides found online. It is intended to be the most complete and the most accurate guide for 3D Space Cadet Pinball available. If you can't find what you're looking for here it probably doesn't exist.
Using This Guide
> The index is relatively detailed to aid you in finding the information you're looking for.
> The main sections you'll probably be interested in are: 'Missions', 'Secondary Objectives', 'Bonus', Awards & Jackpots', and 'Advice & Strategy'.
> The FAQ also has some good information so you may want to check that out.
> The 'Concepts' section is intended primarily for people who've never seen or played an actual pinball machine.
> If you're interested in the inner workings of the game check out the 'Table' section, but be warned: It's very long!
> The 'Table' section can be confusing so have a look at the table diagram file which should be located in the same place you found this guide.
- If it's not there you can use the diagram in the help section of the game but be careful, some of the associated information isn't completely accurate.
> If you can't find exactly what you're looking for using the index try searching for the term using your browsers "Find" function.
- If you can't find it that way either we're using different terminology or one of us can't spell.
> Be careful when printing this guide. There is A LOT of information and it's around 50 pages long.
- To minimize the number of printed pages highlight the parts you wish to print in your browser, right click and select 'Print...' from the drop down menu. Be sure and select 'Print Selection' in the print dialog box.
III. Concepts
The following sections present basic pinball ideas as they relate to 3D Space Cadet Pinball. They are intended to aid younger players who may have never before heard of or seen pinball previously. For more information the Wikipedia
reference to pinball is very informative.
Pinball Basics
> Pinball is a type of coin-operated arcade game where a player attempts to score points by manipulating one or more metal balls on a playfield or table inside a glass covered case called a pinball machine. The primary objective of the game is to score as many points as possible. The Secondary objective is to maximize the time spent playing. Some games, including 3D Space Cadet Pinball, have rudimentary storylines to play through offering the player additional objectives and sense of accomplishment. The player begins with a limited number of balls (typically 3) to accomplish these goals.
> Pinball on the computer is based on the physical pinball machine. Pinball machines were introduced in the early 1930s and became a dominant form of entertainment for youth after World War II through the late 1970s. They were eventually overtaken by electronic video games as the game of choice in arcades.
> All modern pinball machines consist of a table, plunger, flippers and various other table elements used to score points. The table itself is where the rest of the elements reside. It is sloped slightly from back to front allowing the ball to move by gravity toward the player and the bottom of the table. The ball is initially propelled onto the table via the plunger.
> The plunger is a spring-loaded rod with a small handle which is pulled back and let go to allow the ball to be struck and sent onto the table. The player can control the amount of force used for launching by pulling the plunger varying distances, thus changing the compression of the spring. This is often used for a "skill shot", in which a player attempts to launch a ball so that it exactly hits a specified target. Once the ball is in motion on the table the plunger is not used again until the ball drains (see below) and another ball must be brought onto the table.
> Once on the table the ball interacts with the table elements primarily by striking them. For each element struck points are added to the score. Pinball scoring can be peculiar and varies greatly from machine to machine. For more particulars on how points are scored for 3D Space Cadet Pinball refer to the Table and Bonus’, Jackpots & Awards sections.
> The player’s primary means of controlling the ball once it’s been put into play on the table is via the flippers. Traditionally there are 2 flippers (left & right) located at the bottom of the table. The player activates the flippers in order to send the ball back up the table into the scoring elements and away from the Drain Area.
> For more information on table elements refer to the 'Table' section.
> Catching is a term used to describe the act of allowing the ball to come to rest on one of the flippers. It is a higher level technique used to gain added control over the ball and allow the player to more accurately send the ball up the table at a desired target.
> Typically the player catches the ball by holding the flipper in the activated position a having the ball fall on to it. This allows the ball to bounce between the flipper and the return lane eventually coming to rest at the base of the flipper. The player then releases the flipper, allows the ball to roll down the flipper to the desired distance then activates the flipper again.
> The ball can also be caught as it drops to the flipper through the return lane.
> The ball drains when it falls below the flippers and off the bottom of the table. The ball can drain by either dropping between the flippers or passing one of the Out-Lanes. 3D Space Cadet Pinball has Out-Lane Kickers which can save the ball from being drained and send it back up the table.
> For more information on the Out-Lane Kickers refer to the 'Secondary Objectives' section.
Table Reset
> Table reset occurs after the ball drains. It returns all the targets and lights to their default settings.
> In 3D Space Cadet Pinball the lights indicating the player’s progress through the story (Rank & Progress Lights) are not reset with the rest of the table.
Extra Balls
> Typically the player begins with 3 balls available and after these balls drain the current game is over. Extra balls, sometimes known as Free Balls, are balls which allow the player to continue play without advancing the ball counter. Extra Balls can typically be collected in great numbers.
> If a ball drains and an extra ball has been awarded then the table resets (see above) and a new ball is placed at the plunger. This new ball, however, does not count towards the 3 balls with which the player begins. Once the last awarded extra ball drains the ball counter advances as normal.
> Extra Balls can be equated to an extra life in most video games.
> For more information on Extra Balls refer to the 'Secondary Objectives' section.
Replay Balls
> Replay balls are similar to extra balls with one major difference: if the current ball drains and a replay ball has previously been awarded (is available) then the table DOES NOT reset. The new ball placed in the plunger is, for all intent and purposes, the same ball which just drained and the player is allowed to continue the game as if the ball never drained in the first place.
> Just as with Extra Balls the ball counter does not advance after the ball drains if a replay is available, however, only one replay ball may typically be collected at any one time.
> Replay Balls can be equated to temporary invincibility in most video games.
> For more information on Replay Balls refer to the 'Secondary Objectives' section.
> Nudging is the secondary way in which the player controls the ball. On physical pinball machines, if the player wished to affect the balls movement when it was not within range of the flippers they would physically jostle the machine. This would affect the angel of the table and cause the ball to roll in a different direction. Nudging the table could be considered a form of cheating and is, therefore, limited by the tilt function.
> If the table were nudged or tilted too far or for too long then the table will realize that the player is trying to gain an unfair advantage. This results in the table entering "tilt" mode. All player inputs and all table functions are ceased causing the current ball to drain. The table then resets (see above) and play continues as normal.
> For more information refer to "TILT!" in the 'Informational' part of the 'Messages' section.
End of Game
> The game ends when all of the balls the player began with (typically 3) have drained.
> The ball counter on the score board indicates the current ball count. This count does not include extra balls or replay balls.
High Scores
> If the game ends and the player has achieved a high enough score then that score and the players name can be added to the High Score Table. This is a list of all the high scores which have been achieved on a particular machine.
It allows players to brag to their friends and display their skill to others who play on the same machine.
> For more information refer to "High Scores" Dialog Box in the 'Program Controls & Menus' section.
IV. Game Information
Microsoft ® 3D Pinball for Windows - Space Cadet
Version 5.1 (Build 2600.xpsp_sp2_qfe.070227-2300 : Service Pack 2)
Copyright © 1981-2001 Microsoft Corporation
3D Pinball Table created for Microsoft by Maxis.
Copyright © 1995 Maxis
This game was originally one of three tables which came as part of "Full Tilt! Pinball" developed by Cinematronics and published by Maxis in 1995.
> You are a young Cadet trying to graduate from the Space Academy and make a name for yourself as an officer. Complete your training and prove your abilities in order to move up through the ranks and increase your score. Do you have what it takes to become a Fleet Admiral and save the Galaxy? In 3D Pinball Space Cadet you'll find out!
Game Controls
> Flipper (2x)
- Used to send the Ball up the table.
- Activate the flipper(s) to rotate the Re-entry & Launch Lane Lights.
- Each flipper rotates the lane lights in a different direction.
- Default Keys: Right Flipper: "/", Left Flipper: "z"
> Plunger (1x)
- Used to send the Ball up the Deployment Chute.
- Default Key: Space Bar.
- Hold Space Bar to send the Ball further up the Deployment Chute.
> Nudge (3x)
- Hits the table to adjust Ball movement.
- Default Keys:
* Nudge Right: "x"
* Nudge Left : "."
* Nudge Up : "?"
- If any of the Nudge keys is held for too long the table will Tilt.
> Go to the Options menu and select Keyboard Controls to change the Default Controls (See the 'Dialog Boxes' section).
Menus may be accessed by clicking on the Menu name at the top of the Game Window.
> Game Menu
- New Game
* Starts a new game.
- Launch Ball
* Sends the Ball up the Deployment Chute.
- Pause/Resume Game
* Pauses/Un-pauses the current game.
- High Scores...
* Displays the High Scores Dialog Box
- Demo
* Begins a game demonstration.
- Exit
* Closes the game window.
> Options Menu
- Full Screen
* Resizes the game to Full Screen.
> Hit [F4] or [Esc] to toggle back to window mode.
- Select Players
* Select the number of players (1, 2, 3, or 4)
* See 'Multi-Player Mode' section for more information.
- Sounds
* Toggles game sounds On/Off.
- Music
* Toggles game music On/Off.
- Player Controls...
* Opens the Player Controls Dialog Box
> Help Menu
- Help Topics [F1]
* Accesses the Help dialog box.
- About Pinball
* Opens the About Pinball dialog box.
> View the version of the OS and game.
Function Keys
> [F1] Help
- Launches the Help window.
- See the 'Dialog Boxes' section for more information.
> [F2] New Game
- Starts a new game
> [F3] Pause/Resume Game
- Pauses/Un-pauses the current game.
> [F4] Full Screen
- Resizes the game to Full Screen.
- Hit [F4] or [Esc] to toggle back to window mode
> [F8] Player Controls
- Opens the Player Controls Dialog Box.
- See the 'Dialog Boxes' section for more information.
Dialog Boxes
> High Scores
- Shows the top 5 high scores and the players who scored them.
- After a High Score is achieved this box is opened and the player is able to enter their name.
- Click "OK" or "Cancel" to close dialog box.
- Click "Clear" to reset all high scores to 0 (Confirmation Required).
> Player Controls
- Allows the default Player Controls to be changed.
- Use the pull downs to change which keys control specific functions.
- Click "OK" to save changes, "Cancel" to keep the same settings and "Default" to changes all controls to the default settings
* See the 'Game Controls' section for default control settings.
> Help
- Accesses the Help information for the game.
* Use the "Contents", "Index", and "Search" tabs to find information you want.
* Note: The in-game help isn't completely accurate and doesn't always have the information you may be looking for, hence this guide.
VI. Scoreboard
The Scoreboard takes up the right side of the game window or screen (full sccreen mode). It is where information about the game is displayed. The Scoreboard is comprised of a number of displays (panes) which show different information.
> Ball Pane
- Small box at the top right.
- Displays the number of balls played, including the current ball.
- When the 3rd Ball drains the current game is over.
- Number does not include Extra Balls or Replay Balls.
> Information Pane
- Medium sized box between the Score Box and the Instruction Box.
- Indicates when upgrades, awards, jackpots, bonus' or other non-mission related objectives have been completed/awarded.
> Instruction Pane
- Large box at the bottom.
- Displays information about what to do in order to "progress" through the game.
- Indicates mission objectives and basic instructions.
> Player Pane
- Small box at the top left.
- Indicates which number player is currently playing.
- Changes during multiplayer modes only.
> Score Pane
- Skinny box just below the Ball Box.
- Indicates the score achieved in the current game.
- Updates continuously as points are scored.
VII. Table
The table takes up the left side of the game window or screen (full screen mode). It is where the game is played. The ball tends to travel by "gravity" from the top of the Table to the bottom. The Table is comprised of a number of different areas, elements and lights which affect the ball and how points are scored.
> Areas are spaces on the table through which the ball must pass in order to complete certain actions or objectives. There are 3 areas on the Table.
> Drain Area
- Space at the bottom of the Table just below the Flippers and Return Lanes.
- If the ball enters this area it will drain.
* See the 'Drain' part of the 'Concepts' section for more information.
> Launch Area (Platform)
- Purple platform at the middle left of the Table.
- Contains the Engine Lanes & Engine Bumpers.
- The ball must pass the Launch Ramp to enter this area.
* Once the ball enters this area it must pass one of the Engine Lanes.
* Once the ball enters this area it can only exit via the Bonus Lane and return to the Left Flipper.
> Re-entry Area
- Space at the top of the Table just above the Re-Entry Lanes.
- The ball exits the Deployment Chute into this area.
* The ball may also enter this area by passing up through one of the Re-entry Lanes or passing the one-way door above the Green Wormhole.
- The ball must drop through one of the Re-Entry Lanes to exit this area.
> Bumpers are white & mushroom shaped with colored lights on top. There are 7 Bumpers and 3 types.
> For more information refer to 'Upgrade Bumpers' in the 'Secondary Objectives' section.
> Attack Bumpers
- 3 Bumpers grouped at the top of the Table.
- Upgrade by lighting all 3 Re-entry lane lights simultaneously.
- The color of the light on top of the Bumper indicates the upgrade level.
* Blue – 500 points
* Green – 1000 points
* Yellow – 1500 points
* Red – 2000 points
> Engine Bumpers
- 3 Bumpers grouped on the Launch Platform.
- Upgrade by lighting all 3 Launch Lane lights simultaneously.
- The color of the light on top of the Bumper indicates the upgrade level.
* Blue – 1500 points
* Green – 2500 points
* Yellow – 3500 points
* Red – 4500 points
> Satellite (Remote Attack) Bumper
- 1 Bumper at the top left of the Table.
- Considered one of the Attack Bumpers in most situations.
- Upgrades with the Attack Bumpers.
- The color of the light on top of the Bumper indicates the upgrade level.
* Blue – 1500 points
* Green – 2500 points
* Yellow – 3500 points
* Red – 4500 points
> Chutes & Ramps are paths for the Ball to follow. There are 4 total.
> Deployment Chute
- Chute at the right side of the Table where the game begins and the ball is sent after it drains.
- Send the Ball up the chute by operating the plunger.
- If the Ball exits the bottom of the chute (Skill Shot Lane) points are awarded based on the number of Deployment Lights lit.
* 1 light – 15,000 points
* 2 lights – 30,000 points
* 3 lights – 75,000 points
* 4 lights – 30,000 points
* 5 lights – 15,000 points
* 6 lights – 7500 points
- A Skill Shot cannot be awarded on a Replay Ball.
> Fuel Chute
- Curved Chute at the middle-left side of the Table.
- Send the Ball up the chute to 'Re-fuel'.
- The amount of fuel is based on how many lights are lit (See Fuel Lights & Fuel Rollover).
> Hyperspace Chute
- Curved Chute at the top-right of the table.
- Send the Ball up the chute to the Hyperspace Kicker.
- Points are not awarded unless the Ball enters the Hyperspace Kicker.
* Refer to "Hyperspace Kicker" below for more information.
> Launch Ramp
- Purple Ramp at the middle-left side of the table.
- Send the Ball up to 'Launch'.
* Normal Launch – 5000 points
* Reflex Award Launch – 25,000 points
- The Ball is not considered to have passed the ramp unless it drops into the Launch Lanes.
- This is the only way to hit the Launch Lanes & Bumpers or accept a Mission.
- Upon exiting the launch platform the Ball will enter the Bonus Lane.
> Spinning White panels at the end of the Hyperspace & Fuel Chute.
> Spinning a flag changes the Wormhole Exit Light color if the Wormhole is opened.
> Fuel Flag
- Points are awarded based on the status of the Booster Target Lights.
* No Booster – 500 points per 1/2 spin.
* Booster Lit – 2500 points per 1/2 spin.
> Hyperspace Flag
- Points are awarded based on the status of the Booster Target Lights.
* No Booster – 500 points per 1/2 spin.
* Booster Lit – 2500 points per 1/2 spin.
> Areas where the Ball is stopped and "kicked" out.
> There are 9 kickers on the Table.
> Black Hole Kicker
- Located under the Launch Ramp.
- When entered 20,000 points are awarded.
- The Ball is kicked out at the Medal Targets.
> Gravity Well
- Located at the center of the circle of lights on the lower part of the Table.
- Kicker is activated when the Hyperspace Kicker is entered 5 consecutive times.
- The Ball is attracted to the Gravity Light.
- If the Ball comes to rest on the light:
* 50,000 points are awarded
* The Ball is kicked out in a random direction.
* The Gravity Well is deactivated ("Normalized").
> Hyperspace Kicker
- Located at the end of the Hyperspace Chute in the top-right of the Table.
- Enter this kicker to 'Launch to Hyperspace'.
- If the Ball re-enters the kicker while the Hyperspace Reflex Light is lit then a Reflex Shot is awarded.
- Points are awarded based on which Hyperspace Lights is lit.
* 1st light – 10,000 points (Hyperspace Bonus)
* 2nd light – 20,000 points + the Jackpot (Jackpot Awarded)
* 3rd light – 20,000 points + the Center Post is raised.
* 4th light – 50,000 points + Extra Ball Available
* 4 lights go out – 150,000 points + Gravity Well Activated
- Reflex Shot - +20,000 points
> Out-Lane Kicker
- Located at the bottom of the two Out-Lanes at the bottom-left & bottom-right of the table.
- Ball is kicked out and the kicker becomes de-activated.
- The right kicker sends the Ball into the Secondary Out Kicker.
- The left kicker sends the Ball up the Fuel Chute & 'Re-fuels' the ship.
* To re-activate the left Out-Lane Kicker light all 3 Left Hazard (Radiation) Target Lights.
* To re-activate the right Out-Lane kicker light all 3 Right Hazard (Comet) Target Lights.
- Entering the Kickers is worth 0 points, however the Out-Lane is passed twice.
> Secondary Out Kicker
- Located at the top of the Right Out-Lane.
- Kicks the Ball into, up and out of the Deployment Chute into the Re-Entry Area.
> Wormhole
- 3 Wormhole Kickers are located throughout the Table.
* Red – Top Right near the Attack Bumpers.
* Yellow – Bottom Right above the Right Return Lane.
* Green – Top Left below the Satellite Bumper.
- Once the ball enters any wormhole it's exit point is determined as follows:
* If the Wormhole is not "opened" the Ball is kicked back out where it entered.
* If "opened" Ball is kicked out of the color (red, green or yellow) wormhole as indicated by the Wormhole Exit Light.
> "Open" the Wormholes by hitting the Wormhole Spot Target.
- Points are awarded based on the activation of the wormhole and where it exits.
* Ball enters closed Wormhole Kicker – 2000 points
* Ball enters "opened" Wormhole and exits a different Wormhole Kicker – 7500 points.
* Ball enters the same "opened" Wormhole Kicker which it will exit – 5000 points + Replay Ball is awarded.
> Short chutes the Ball passes through.
> There are 12 lanes throughout the Table.
> Bonus Lane
- Single lane between the Left Out-Lane and the Left Return Lane.
- The Bonus Lane is always passed when the Ball passes the Launch Ramp.
- Enter this lane to "Re-fuel' the ship.
- Extra points are awarded if the Bonus Lane Light is on and the Bonus was activated
* Lane Pass – 10,000 points
* See the 'Bonus', Jackpots & Awards' section for more information.
> Engine/Launch Lanes
- 3 Lanes located on the Launch Platform above the Engine Bumpers.
- Pass the lanes to toggle the corresponding Launch Lane Light.
* Lane Pass – 500 points
* Light all 3 lane lights and upgrade the Engine Bumpers.
> Out-Lanes
- 2 Lanes located at the lower-left and lower-right of the Table.
- Pass this lane and the ball drains or enters the Out-Lane Kicker when the kicker is activated.
* Lane Pass – 20,000 points.
* Extra Ball Light – 20,000 points + Extra Ball is awarded.
> Re-entry Lanes
- 3 Lanes located at the top of the Table above the Attack Bumpers.
- Pass the lanes to toggle the corresponding Launch Lane Light.
* Lane Pass – 2000 points
* Light all 3 lane lights and upgrade the Attack & Satellite Bumpers.
> Return Lanes
- 2 Lanes located at the lower-left & lower-right corners of the Table.
- Pass this lane and the Ball returns to one of the Flippers.
- Extra Points are awarded if the Return Lane Light is lit.
* Lane Pass – 5000 points
* Lane Light – 25,000 points
- Light the Return Lane Lights by hitting the Space Warp Rollover.
> Skill Shot Lane
- Single Lane located at the bottom of the Deployment Chute to the left of the 1st Deployment Light.
- Deploy the Ball through this lane by not sending it out the top of the Deployment Chute to receive a Skill Shot bonus.
- See Deployment Chute for more information.
> Panels flush with the tables which light up when the ball rolls over them.
> There are 7 rollovers throughout the table.
> Fuel Rollover
- 6 rollovers located in the Fuel Chute.
* The second rollover is hidden under the Launch Ramp.
- If the Ball rolls over a fuel rollover points are awarded and the light is lit.
- The top (blue) rollover is worth more points if it is out when rolled over.
* Bottom 5 – 500 points
* Top (blue) – 500 points when lit, 1500 points when dark.
- Rolling over un-lit Fuel Rollovers increases the fuel supply.
- For more information refer to the 'Re-fuel' part of the 'Secondary Objectives' section.
> Space Warp Rollover
- Single round green Rollover at the top-left of the Table below the Satellite Bumper.
- Hit this Rollover to turn on the Return Lane Lights.
* This element is worth 0 points.
> Yellow squares which fall when hit.
> Targets impart some energy to the Ball when it rebounds.
> There 9 Drop Targets located throughout the Table.
> Booster Targets
- 3 Drop Targets grouped at the middle-right of the table.
- Drop all 3 Targets to activate a play mode.
- Receive additional Play Modes if all the previous Booster Lights are lit.
* 1st & 2nd Target – 500 points each
* 3rd Target – 5000 points + Play Mode
* 1st play mode (bottom light) – Upgrade Flags
* 2nd play mode (bottom-middle light) – Activate Jackpot
* 3rd play mode (top-middle light) – Activate Bonus
* 4th play mode (top light) - Bonus Hold
- Play modes are active for a limited amount of time.
- The lowest play mode not active is activated when all the targets are dropped.
> Medal Targets
- 3 Drop Targets grouped at the center of the table.
- Drop all 3 Targets to receive a Commendation.
- Receive higher Commendations if previous Metal Target Light is still lit.
* 1st & 2nd Targets – 1500 points each
* Level 1 Commendation – 10,000 points
* Level 2 Commendation – 50,000 points
* Level 3 Commendation – 0 points + Extra Ball
> Multiplier Targets
- 3 Drop Targets grouped at the top-left of the table above the Attack Bumpers.
- Drop all 3 Targets to receive a Field Multiplier.
- Receive higher Field Multipliers if the previous Field Multiplier Light is still lit.
* 1st 2 Targets – 500 points each
* 3rd Target – 1500 points x Field Multiplier
- Field Multipliers are awarded in the following order:
* 1st Multiplier – 2x
* 2nd Multiplier – 3x
* 3rd Multiplier – 5x
* 4th Multiplier – 10x
- Multipliers are applied to all points scored on the table except Jackpots, Bonus' and Mission Completion Awards.
> Small red circles.
> There are 13 Spot Targets located throughout the Table.
> Targets impart a small amount of energy to the wall when it rebounds.
> Hitting a Spot Target lights the corresponding Target Light.
> Comet (Right Hazard) Targets
- 3 Spot Targets grouped to the right of the Attack Bumpers.
- Light all 3 Right Hazard Target Lights to re-activate the right Out-Lane Kicker.
- 750 points per hit.
> Fuel Targets
- 3 Spot Targets grouped around the Satellite Bumper.
- Light all 3 Fuel Target Lights to "Re-fuel".
- 750 points per hit.
> Mission Targets
- 3 Spot Targets grouped at the bottom of the Fuel Chute.
- Hit the targets to select a mission.
* There are 4 missions associated with each rank.
* Missions vary depending on your rank.
* See the 'Missions' section for more information.
- 1000 points per hit.
> Radiation (Left Hazard) Targets
- 3 Spot Targets grouped to the left of the Attack Bumpers.
- Light all 3 Left Hazard Target Lights to re-activate the left Out-Lane Kicker.
- 750 points per hit.
> Wormhole Target
- Single Spot Target located at the bottom of the Hyperspace Chute.
- Hit the target to "Open" the Wormholes & rotate the Wormhole Exit Light color.
- 750 points per hit.
> Center Post
- Post between the Flippers just above the Drain Area.
- To activate the Center Post enter the Hyperspace Kicker 3 times in a row.
> Rebounds
- 4 rubber band-like elements located throughout the Table.
* 1 located above each flipper.
* 1 located below the Right Hazard Targets
* 1 located to the right of the Left Hazard Targets.
- Impart a significant amount of energy to the Ball when hit.
- 500 points per hit.
> Deployment Chute
- 6 lights across the Deployment Chute.
- Indicates how far up the Deployment Chute the Ball has traveled.
- Not available on Replay Balls.
> Fuel Chute
- 6 Lights in the Fuel Chute.
- Indicates how much 'Fuel' is left.
- The second light is hidden by the Launch Ramp.
* These lights are the same as the Fuel Rollovers
- A light blinks and goes out every 10-20 seconds depending on the light.
- Total Fuel is approximately 90 seconds.
- Roll or "Re-fuel" over to re-light.
* Refer to the Secondary Objectives section for more information.
> Launch Ramp
- Single Light at the top of the Launch Ramp.
* Off - No mission is selected.
* Blinking - Hit the ramp to accept the current mission.
* On - A mission is active.
> Skill Shot Arrow, Hyperspace Chute
- Top arrow of the 3 arrows located at the bottom of the Hyperspace Chute.
- Indicates a skill shot is available for entering the Hyperspace Kicker.
* Activated when the ball is kicked out of the Hyperspace Kicker.
> Skill Shot Arrow, Launch Chute
- Top arrow of the 3 arrows located at the bottom of the Launch Ramp.
- Indicates a skill shot is available for entering the Launch Ramp.
* Activated when the ball drops from the Launch Platform.
> Gravity Well
- Single Light set in the center of the Progress & Rank Lights.
- Blinking – Indicates the Gravity Well has been activated.
* The ball is attracted to the Gravity Well Kicker when activated.
- De-activate by getting the Ball to stop on the Gravity Well Light.
> Hyperspace Kicker
- 4 lights located across the Hyperspace Chute.
- Indicates the number of consecutive times the Hyperspace Kicker has been entered.
- Lights are extinguished in order after approximately 60 seconds.
- If the Hyperspace Kicker is entered 5 consecutive times all the lights are extinguished.
* See "Hyperspace Kicker" in the Elements Section for more information.
> Out-Lane Kicker Arrow
- 1 light located at the bottom of each Out-Lane just above the Kicker (2 lights total)
- Indicates if the corresponding Out-Lane Kicker is available.
- Activate by hitting all 3 corresponding Hazard Targets.
> Replay
- 1 light located below each of the Flippers. (2 lights total)
- Allows a Ball to be "re-deployed" if it drains when light is lit.
- The table does not reset.
- The right (Automatic) Replay Light is temporarily lit after deployment.
- The left (Wormhole) Replay Light becomes lit when the Ball enters an active wormhole of the same color as the Wormhole Exit Light.
> Secondary Out-Lane Kicker Arrow
- Single light just to the right of the Yellow Wormhole
- Indicates he Ball has entered the Secondary Out Kicker and will be kicked into the Re-entry Area via the Deployment Chute.
> Wormhole Color
- Single Light located just above each of the Wormhole Kickers. (3 lights total)
- Indicates the color of the Wormhole.
- Lit when the Wormhole is "Opened" by hitting the Wormhole Spot Target.
- Goes out when the Ball enters any Wormhole.
> Wormhole Exit Arrow
- Single arrow located at the entrance to each of the Wormhole Kickers.
- Indicates the color of the wormhole the Ball will exit from if the wormhole is entered.
- Color is toggled by hitting the Wormhole Target or spinning either of the flags.
- Goes out when a Ball enters any wormhole.
> Bonus Lane
- Single light in the Bonus Lane.
- Indicates a bonus is available in this lane.
- Activated when a mission is completed.
- Goes out when the Ball passes the Bonus Lane.
> Engine/Launch Lanes
- Single light associated with each of the Launch Lanes (3 lights total).
- Indicates which lanes have been activated.
- Toggle light by passing the lane.
- Rotate the lights by using the flippers.
- When all 3 lights are lit the Engines Bumpers are upgraded.
> Out-Lanes (Extra Ball)
- Single light located at the top of each of the Out-Lanes (2 lights total).
- Indicates an Extra Ball is available in this lane.
- Pass the lane to receive an Extra Ball.
> Re-entry Lanes
- Single light associated with each of the Re-entry Lanes. (3 lights total).
- Indicates which lanes have been activated.
- Toggle light by passing the lane.
- Rotate the lights by using the flippers.
- When all 3 lights are lit the Attack Bumpers are upgraded.
> Return Lanes
- Single light located at the top of each of the Return Lanes (2 lights total).
- Incites a point bonus is available in this lane.
- Pass the lane to receive extra points.
* Roll the ball over the Space Warp Rollover to activate the lights.
> See the 'Missions' section for more information.
> Mission Accept Arrow
- Bottom of the 3 arrows at the bottom of the Launch Ramp.
- Indicates that the selected mission will be accepted by passing the Launch Ramp.
> Mission Arrow
- Blinking blue arrows located throughout the board.
- Indicates where the Ball is to be played to complete the current mission objective.
- The location and number of arrows varies depending on the current mission and objective.
> Maelstrom Hyperspace Arrow
- Bottom of the 3 arrows at the bottom of the Hyperspace Chute.
- Indicates the Maelstrom Mission will be completed when the Ball is sent into the Hyperspace Kicker.
> Progress
- 18 blue lights set in a circle at the bottom-center of the Table.
- Indicates the progress through the current rank.
- Lights are lit when a mission is completed.
- Light all 18 to increase in rank.
> Rank
- 9 yellow lights set in a circle at the bottom-center of the Table.
- The number of lights lit indicate the current Rank
* 1 light – Cadet
* 2 lights – Ensign
* 3 lights – Lieutenant
* 4 lights – Captain
* 5 lights – Lt. Commander
* 6 lights – Commander
* 7 lights – Commodore
* 8 lights – Admiral
* 9 lights – Fleet Admiral
> Time Warp Hyperspace Arrow
- Middle of the 3 arrows at the bottom of the Hyperspace Chute.
- Indicates the Time Warp Mission will be completed if the Ball enters the Hyperspace Kicker (Demotion).
> Time Warp Launch Arrow
- Middle of the 3 arrows at the bottom of the Launch Ramp.
- Indicates the Time Warp Mission will be completed if the Ball enters the Launch Ramp (Promotion).
> Booster
- 4 lights associated with the Booster Targets.
- Lights are lit by hitting all 3 Booster Targets.
* Hit all 3 targets consecutive times to activate additional Play Modes.
- Indicates which of the Play Modes are activated
* Bottom light – 1st play mode (Upgrade Flags)
* Bottom-middle light – 2nd play mode (Activate Jackpot)
* Top-middle light – 3rd play mode (Activate Bonus)
* Top light – 4th play mode (Bonus Hold)
- Each lights remain lit for approximately 60 seconds.
- See the 'Bonus', Jackpots & Awards' section for more information.
> Field Multiplier
- 4 lights associated with the Field Multiplier Targets.
- Lights are lit by hitting all 3 Field Multiplier Targets.
* Hit all 3 targets consecutive times to increase the Field Multiplier.
- Indicates which multiplier is currently being applied
* 0 lights – 1x
* 1 light – 2x
* 2 lights – 3x
* 3 lights – 5x
* 4 lights – 10x
- Lights are extinguished in order after approximately 60 seconds.
> Flag Upgrade
- Single light located below each of the Flags (2 lights total).
- Indicates the Flags have been upgraded.
* See "Booster Targets" in the Table Elements section for more information.
- Lights remain lit for approximately 60 seconds.
> Medal
- 3 lights associated with the Medal Target Targets.
- Lights are lit (Commendation Awarded) by hitting all 3 Medal Targets.
* Hit all 3 targets consecutive times to increase the Commendation.
- Indicates which Commendation has been awarded
* 1 light – Level 1 Commendation
* 2 lights – Level 2 Commendation
* 3 lights – Level 3 Commendation (Extra Ball awarded)
- Lights are extinguished in order after approximately 60 seconds.
> Comet
- 3 lights associated with the Comet (Right Hazard) Targets.
- Lights are lit by hitting the associated Comet (Right Hazard) Target.
- Light all 3 lights to activate the Right Out-Lane Kicker.
* When this happens the lights blink and go out
> Fuel
- 3 lights associated with the Fuel Targets.
- Lights are lit by hitting the associated Fuel Target.
- Light all 3 lights and all the Fuel Lights are lit ("Ship Re-fueled").
* When this happens the lights blink and go out.
> Mission
- 3 lights associated with the Mission Targets.
- Lights are lit by hitting the associated Mission Target.
- Light all 3 lights to select the 4th (All) mission.
* See the 'Mission' section for more information.
> Radiation
- 3 lights associated with the Radiation (Left Hazard) Targets.
- Lights are lit by hitting the associated Radiation (Left Hazard) Target.
- Light all 3 lights to activate the Left Out-Lane Kicker.
* When this happens the lights blink and go out.
> Wormhole
- Single light associated with the Wormhole Target.
- Light is lit by hitting the Wormhole Target.
* When lit the Wormholes are "Open"
* Light goes out when a Wormhole is entered
> Center Post
- Single light located between the Flippers.
- Indicates the Center Post is activated.
- Blinks before the Center Post is retracted.
> Deployment Arrows
- 9 small arrows located around the curved top of the Table above the playing surface.
- Blink in sequence when a new ball is to be deployed via the Plunger.
- Are extinguished once the ball has been deployed.
* Lights are not activated when a Replay Ball is to be played.
> Maelstrom
- 3 lights grouped to the lower-right of the Attack Bumpers.
- Function Unknown
* Lights blink during the New Game display.
* Used to light up in the original "Full Tilt! Pinball" when the Maelstrom Mission was activated.
> Rebound
- Single light located within each of the lower 2 Rebounds (2 lights total).
- Temporarily lit each time the associated Rebound is activated.
> Space Warp
- Same location as the Space Warp Rollover.
- Lights when the Space Warp Rollover is hit.
> Tilt
- X-shaped light just below the Mission Target Lights.
- Indicates the Table has been tilted.
- All Table functions cease when lit.
VIII. Messages
Mission Objectives & Notices are not included in this section. Refer to the Mission Section for more information those messages.
All informational messages are displayed in the Information Pane of the Score Board (See the 'Score Board' section for more information).
> Black Hole
- Happens when the Ball enters the Black Hole Kicker.
- Means the Ball will be kicked out of the Black Hole Kicker.
> Bonus Activated
- Happens when the 3 Booster Targets have been dropped for the 3rd consecutive time.
- Means points are added to the Bonus as they are accumulated on the table.
* See the 'Bonus', Jackpots & Awards' section for more information.
> Bonus Awarded
- Happens when the Bonus Lane has been passed when the Bonus Lane Light was lit.
- Means the Bonus has been awarded.
> Bonus Hold
- Happens when the 3 Booster Targets have been dropped for the 4th consecutive time.
- Means the Bonus will not reset after the Ball drains.
> Careful...
- Happens when the table has been 'nudged'.
- Means if the table continues to be nudged it will Tilt.
> Center Post
- Happens when the Hyperspace Kicker has been entered 3 consecutive times.
- Means the Center Post is raised for a limited amount of time.
> Continue Play
- Happens when the game has been unpaused by pressing F3.
- Means that game play has resumed.
> Crash Bonus
- Happens when the Ball has drained & no Replay is available.
- Means extra points are awarded for losing your current Ball.
> Engines Upgraded
- Happens when the 3 Launch Lane Lights have been lit.
- Means extra points are awarded when the Ball hits the Engine Bumpers.
* Upgrade order: Blue, Green, Yellow, Red
> Extra Ball
- Happens when a Level 3 Commendation is awarded or the Ball passes an Out-Lane when the Out-Lane Light is lit.
- Means an Extra Ball has been awarded.
> Extra Ball Available
- Happens when the Hyperspace Kicker has been entered 4 consecutive times.
- Means the Out-Lane Lights have been lit.
* See 'Extra Ball' above.
* See 'Out-Lane (Extra Ball)' in the Lights and Lane sections.
* See the 'Secondary Objectives' section for more information.
> Field Multiplier #x
- Happens when the 3 Multiplier Targets have been dropped.
- Means the points for every Table Element have been multiplied by the value indicated until the Multiplier Target Light goes out.
> Flags Upgraded
- Happens when the 3 Booster Targets have been dropped for the 1st time.
- Means that flags point values have been increased by a factor of 5.
> Game Paused F3 to Resume
- Happens when the game is paused by pressing F3 or making another window active.
- Press the F3 key to un-pause and resume game play.
> Gravity Normalized
- Happens when the Gravity Well Kicker is activated and the Ball comes to rest on the Gravity Well Kicker.
- Means points have been awarded, the Ball will kick in a random direction and the Gravity Well Kicker will be de-activated.
> Gravity Well
- Happens when the Hyperspace Kicker has been entered 5 consecutive times.
- Means the Gravity Well Kicker is activated.
> Hyperspace Bonus
- Happens when the Hyperspace Kicker has been entered 1 time.
- Means a 10,000 point bonus has been awarded.
* The Hyperspace Bonus is unaffected by the Bonus activation.
> Jackpot Activated
- Happens when the 3 Booster Targets have been dropped 2 consecutive times.
- Means points are added to the Jackpot as they are accumulated on the board.
> Jackpot Awarded
- Happens when the Hyperspace Kicker has been entered for the 2nd consecutive time.
- Means the Jackpot has been awarded.
* The Jackpot is reset after it has been awarded.
> Level # Commendation
- Happens when the 3 Medal Targets have been dropped.
- Means points are awarded.
* An Extra Ball is awarded with a Level 3 Commendation instead of points.
> Player #
- Happens when a new Ball (not a Replay or Extra Ball) is to be deployed.
- Indicates the player number who's turn it is to play.
- Only changes during Multiplayer mode.
> Re-Deploy
- Happens when the Ball has drained & the Automatic Replay Light is lit.
- Means the same Ball is ready to be played by the plunger.
* Note: The table does reset.
> Reflex Shot
- Happens when the Ball is sent up the Launch Ramp or into the Hyperspace Kicker when the corresponding Reflex Shot Light is lit.
- Means additional points are awarded.
> Replay Awarded
- Happens when the Ball enters an active Wormhole of the same color as the Wormhole Exit Light.
- Means the Ball can drain and the table will not reset.
* The Automatic Replay Light is activated.
* See the 'Secondary Objectives' section for more information.
> Replay Ball
- Happens when the Ball has drained & the Wormhole Replay Light is lit.
- Means the same Ball is ready to be played by the plunger.
* Note: The table does not reset.
> Ship Re-fueled
- Happens when the Ball has rolled over an un-lit Fuel Light, passed the Bonus Lane, or all 3 Fuel Target Lights have been lit.
- Means more fuel has been added and it will take longer to run out.
* See the 'Secondary Objectives' section for more information.
> Shoot Again
- Happens when the Ball has drained & an Extra Ball has previously been awarded.
- Means a new Ball is ready to be played by the plunger.
* Note: The table DOES reset.
* Note: The Ball indicator does not advance.
> Skill Shot
- Happens when the Ball exits the bottom of the Deployment Chute.
- Means extra points have been awarded based on the degree of the Skill Shot.
* See 'Chutes & Ramps' in the Table Elements Section.
- Happens when a 'nudge' key has been held to long and the table has 'Tilted'.
- Means all Player Controls cease to function.
* The Ball drains as a result.
* Replay Balls are lost but Extra Balls are not.
> Weapons Upgraded
- Happens when the 3 Re-entry Lane Lights have been lit.
- Means extra points are awarded when the Ball hits the Attack & Satellite Bumpers.
* Upgrade order: Blue, Green, Yellow, Red
> Wormhole
- Happens when a Wormhole has been entered.
- Check the Wormhole Exit Lights to see where the Ball will be kicked out.
> Wormhole Opened
- The Wormholes target is hit when the Wormholes are de-activated.
- The Ball will exit the Wormhole indicated by the arrow at it's entrance.
* A Replay Ball is awarded if the Ball exits the same Open Wormhole it enters.
All instructional messages are displayed in the Information Pane (See the 'Score Board' section for more information)
> ...Training Passed
- Happens when one of the first 3 Cadet Missions has been completed.
- Means 500,000 points and 6 Progress Lights have been awarded.
> Awaiting Deployment
- Happens at the beginning of the game or when a Ball is drained and no Replay or Extra Balls are available.
- Means a new Ball is ready to be played by the plunger.
> Demotion to ...
- Happens when the Time Warp Mission has been completed by sending the Ball into the Hyperspace Kicker.
- Means your Rank has decreased by 1 and all Progress Lights have been extinguished.
> Hit Mission Targets to Select Mission
- Happens when the ball is in play and no mission has been selected.
- Hit the Mission Targets to select a mission.
* See the 'Missions' section for more information.
> Launch Ramp to Accept ...
- Happens when a mission or training session has been selected but is not active.
- Send the Ball up the Launch Ramp to accept the mission indicated.
> Mission Aborted
- Happens when a mission is active and all the Fuel Lights go out.
- Means the active mission has been aborted and a new mission must be selected.
* See the 'Secondary Objectives' section for information on Re-Fueling.
> Mission Accepted
- Happens when a mission is selected and the Launch Ramp has been passed.
- Means a mission has been accepted.
* Refer to the Score Board and Mission Arrows to progress through the mission.
* See the 'Missions' section for more information.
> Mission Completed [points]
- Happens when all the requirements of the active mission have been completed.
- Means points and Progress Lights have been awarded.
* Refer to the Mission Section for more information.
> Promotion to [Rank]
- Happens when all 18 Progress Lights have been lit.
- Means 1 Rank Light has been lit (Rank increase) and all Progress Lights blink and go out.
> Re-Fuel Ship
- Happens when all the fuel lights have gone out.
- Means if an mission is active it has been aborted.
- Send the Ball up the Fuel Chute, through the Bonus Lane, into the Left Out-Lane Kicker, or hit all 3 Fuel Targets to Re-fuel.
* Refer to the Secondary Objectives section for more information.
> Warning – Low Fuel
- Happens when only 1 Fuel Light remains lit.
- Send the Ball up the Fuel Chute, through the Bonus Lane, into the Left Out-Lane Kicker, or hit all 3 Fuel Targets to Re-fuel.
* Refer to the Secondary Objectives section for more information.
IX. Missions
> Missions are the primary way to progress through the game.
> Missions give the player a set of goals and sense of accomplishment beyond simply accumulating points.
> It is not required that any missions be completed, but they are the fastest way to accumulate points.
- For more information on game strategy refer to the 'Secondary Objectives' and 'Advice and Strategy' sections.
Mission Basics
> Use the Mission Targets to select a mission.
- Each target corresponds to a different mission based on current rank.
- The last target hit selects the mission.
- If all the targets are hit (No Mission Target Lights lit) then the 4th mission (All) is selected.
> To accept a mission pass the Launch Ramp once the mission is selected.
> Look at the Score Board messages to help you know what to do and how you're progressing through the mission.
> Look for the blinking Mission Arrows to help you know where to aim your Ball.
> A mission will terminate if all the Fuel Lights go out.
- Watch the Fuel Lights and the Score Board for the "Warning – Low Fuel" message.
- Send the Ball up the Fuel Chute, through the Bonus Lane, into the Left Out-Lane Kicker, or hit all 3 Fuel Targets to Re-fuel.
* Refer to the Secondary Objectives section for more information.
> If the Ball drains while in the middle of a mission the mission is aborted.
- The mission remains active if a Replay Ball is available.
> Difficulty levels listed are subjective and relative within each rank.
> Accumulate 18 Progress lights to increase in rank.
> Ranks are as follows:
- 1 Rank Light – Cadet
- 2 Rank Lights – Ensign
- 3 Rank Lights – Lieutenant
- 4 Rank Lights – Captain
- 5 Rank Lights – Lt. Commander
- 6 Rank Lights – Commander
- 7 Rank Lights – Commodore
- 8 Rank Lights – Admiral
- 9 Rank Lights – Fleet Admiral
Rank: Cadet
> Rank Strategy
- All the missions are pretty simple so play which ever you like the best.
- You can complete this rank quickly by completing the Science Mission 1st & 2nd.
- You can gain some extra points by completing the Science Mission twice (1st & 3rd or 2nd & 3rd).
> Top Target: Launch Training
- Difficulty: Easy
- 10,000 points for accepting mission.
- 500,000 points for completing mission.
- 6 progress lights for completing mission.
- Objectives
* Pass the Launch Ramp 3 times.
- Strategy
* Try and send the Ball up the Launch Ramp from the Left Flipper each time it drops from the platform to receive Skill Shots.
> Middle Target: Re-entry Training
- Difficulty: Hard
- 10,000 points for accepting mission.
- 500,000 points for completing mission.
- 6 progress lights for completing mission.
- Objectives
* Pass the Re-entry Lanes 3 times.
- Strategy
* Try to use Out-Lane Kickers & Re-Deploys to your advantage.
* Passing a Re-entry Lane from bottom to top guarantees a second Re-entry Lane pass.
> Bottom Target: Target Practice
- Difficulty: Medium
- 10,000 points for accepting mission.
- 500,000 points for completing mission.
- 6 progress lights for completing mission.
- Objectives
* Hit the Attack Bumpers 8 times.
- Strategy
* Send the Ball to the top of the Table and let it bounce around.
> All Targets: Science Mission
- Difficulty: Hardest
- 10,000 points for accepting mission.
- 750,000 points for completing mission.
- 9 progress lights for completing mission.
- Objectives
* Hit 9 Drop Targets.
- Strategy
* Aim for the Booster & Medal Targets. They're easiest to hit from the flippers.
- Notes:
* When accepted all Drop Targets will be raised.
* If you are trying for extra Multipliers, Commendations or Play Modes you may not want to accept this mission
Ranks: Ensign & Lieutenant
> Rank Strategy
- Bug Hunt's definitely the easiest & Secret is definitely the hardest.
- The Secret Mission is not really worth attempting because, unless you finish it twice, you still need to complete 3 missions to get promoted.
> Top Target: Bug Hunt Mission
- Difficulty: Easy
- 20,000 points for accepting mission.
- 750,000 points for completing mission.
- 7 progress lights for completing mission.
- Objectives
* Hit 15 targets (Drop and/or Hit).
- Strategy
* Play for whatever you like.
* Remember the Bumpers & Rebounds don't count towards your 15 hits.
- Notes:
* When accepted all Drop Targets will be raised & all Spot Target Lights will go out.
* If you are trying for extra Multipliers, Commendations or Play Modes you may not want to accept this mission.
* If you are trying to activate either of the Out-Lane Kickers you may not want to accept this mission.
> Middle Target: Rescue Mission
- Difficulty: Medium
- 20,000 points for accepting mission.
- 750,000 points for completing mission.
- 7 progress lights for completing mission.
- Objectives
* Upgrade Flags.
* Enter the Hyperspace Kicker.
- Strategy
* Catch the Ball on the Left Flipper and hit the Booster Targets and Hyperspace Kicker.
- Notes:
* If the Flags are upgraded when accepted they are degraded to normal status, however the Upgraded Flags Bonus Target Light remains lit.
* The Hyperspace Kicker must be entered while the Flags are upgraded.
* If the Flags are degraded before entering the Hyperspace Kicker they will need to be upgraded again.
* Refer to "Flag Upgrade" under the Bonus', Jackpots & Awards section for more information on how to upgrade the Flags.
> Bottom Target: Alien Menace Mission
- Difficulty: Hard
- 20,000 points for accepting mission.
- 750,000 points for completing mission.
- 7 progress lights for completing mission.
- Objectives
* Upgrade the Attack Bumpers.
* Hit the Attack Bumpers 8 times.
- Strategy
* Use Out-Lane Kickers & Re-Deploys to your advantage.
* Use the Flippers to rotate the Re-entry Lane Lights.
- Notes:
* If the Attack Bumpers are upgraded when the mission is accepted then they are degraded to normal status, however the Re-Entry Lane Lights remain lit.
* Refer to "Upgrade Bumpers" under the Secondary Objectives section for more information on how to upgrade the Bumpers.
> All Targets: Secret Mission
- Difficulty: Hardest
- 30,000 points for accepting mission.
- 1,500,000 points for completing mission.
- 10 progress lights for completing mission.
- Objectives
* Enter the Yellow Wormhole.
* Enter the Red Wormhole.
* Enter the Green Wormhole.
- Strategy
* The Yellow & Red Wormholes can be entered from either
* Use the Fuel Chute to try and enter the Green Wormhole.
* If you get this mission by accident and don't want to try (yes it's that hard) hold the Ball on a flipper until Fuel
runs out.
- Notes:
* Entering the appropriate Wormhole will not light the Replay Light.
* If the mission is aborted (all Fuel Lights go out) then the Wormholes will have to be re-activated ("Opened") before a Replay can be awarded.
* Accepting this mission is not recommended if a Replay Ball is not available.
Ranks: Captain & Lt. Commander
> Rank Strategy
- These are the hardest ranks in the game.
- The missions are unforgiving and you still need 3 basic missions to get promoted.
- Accept Cosmic Plague whenever you get the chance, it's the easiest by far.
- Completing Cosmic Plague means only 1 other mission must be completed to get promoted (the other mission may be Cosmic Plague).
> Top Target: Stray Comet Mission
- Difficulty: Medium
- 20,000 points for accepting mission.
- 1,000,000 points for completing mission.
- 8 progress lights for completing mission.
- Objectives
* Light all 3 Right Hazard Target Lights.
* Enter the Hyperspace Kicker.
- Strategy
* Make sure the Right Out-Lane Kicker is available before beginning this mission.
* Send the Ball to the top of the table with the Left Flipper.
* The top 2 Right Hazard Targets can be hit directly.
- Notes:
* When accepted all Right Hazard Target Lights will go out.
* If the Right Out-Lane Kicker is de-activated you may not want to accept this mission.
* Refer to "Out-Lane Kickers" under the Secondary Objectives section for more information on how to light the Hazard Lights.
> Middle Target: Space Radiation Mission
- Difficulty: Hard
- 20,000 points for accepting mission.
- 1,000,000 points for completing mission.
- 8 progress lights for completing mission.
- Objectives
* Light all 3 Left Hazard Target Lights.
* Enter any Wormhole.
- Strategy
* Make sure the Left Out-Lane Kicker is available before beginning this mission.
* Send the Ball to the top of the table any way possible.
* When entering the Wormhole, try for a Replay.
- Notes:
* When accepted all Left Hazard Target Lights will go out.
* If the Left Out-Lane Kicker is de-activated you may not want to accept this mission.
* Refer to "Out-Lane Kickers" under the Secondary Objectives section for more information on how to light the Hazard Lights.
> Bottom Target: Black Hole Mission
- Difficulty: Hardest
- 20,000 points for accepting mission.
- 1,000,000 points for completing mission.
- 8 progress lights for completing mission.
- Objectives
* Upgrade the Engine Bumpers.
* Enter the Black Hole Kicker.
- Strategy
* Use the same technique from Launch Training to pass the Engine Lanes and Upgrade the Engine Bumpers.
* Use the Flippers to rotate the Launch Lane Lights.
* Upgrade the Engine Bumpers to Red to have the best chance of completing the mission.
- Notes:
* If the Engine Bumpers are upgraded when accepted they are degraded to normal status, however the Engine Lane Lights remain lit.
* It takes some luck to enter the Black Hole Kicker.
* Entering the Black Hole Kicker will not complete the mission if the Engine Bumpers have been downgraded to blue.
* Refer to "Upgrade Bumpers" under the Secondary Objectives section for more information on how to upgrade the Engine Bumpers.
> All Targets: Cosmic Plague Mission
- Difficulty: Easy
- 30,000 points for accepting mission.
- 1,750,000 points for completing mission.
- 11 progress lights for completing mission.
- Objectives
* Spin flags 75 times.
* Hit Space Warp Rollover.
- Strategy
* Aim for the Hyperspace Chute to get double the Flag roll.
* Send the ball to the top of the table through the Fuel Chute to try and hit the Space Warp Rollover.
- Notes
* This is by far the easiest mission for these ranks.
* Complete this mission as many times as possible.
Ranks: Commander & Commodore
> Rank Strategy
- These are pretty homogeneous missions.
- Now it's easier to increase your rank.
- Be wary of the Time Warp and don't get demoted (especially if your rank is Commander).
> Top Target: Satellite Retrieval Mission
- Difficulty: Medium
- 20,000 points for accepting mission.
- 1,250,000 points for completing mission.
- 9 progress lights for completing mission.
- Objectives
* Hit the Satellite Bumper 3 times.
- Strategy
* Use the Fuel Chute & Green Wormhole to send the Ball to the Satellite Bumper.
> Middle Target: Recon Mission
- Difficulty: Easy
- 20,000 points for accepting mission.
- 1,250,000 points for completing mission.
- 9 progress lights for completing mission.
- Objectives
* Pass any of the lanes 15 times.
- Strategy
* By sending the Ball up the Launch Ramp you're guaranteed at least 2 lane passes.
- Notes:
* Use the technique from Launch Training to pass the Launch Ramp multiple times.
> Bottom Target: Doomsday Machine Mission
- Difficulty: Hardest
- 20,000 points for accepting mission.
- 1,250,000 points for completing mission.
- 9 progress lights for completing mission.
- Objectives
* Send the Ball through the Out-Lanes 3 times.
- Strategy
* Have a Replay & active Out-Lane Kickers available.
* If the Ball enters the Black Hole Kicker you may want to let it kick into the Right Out-Lane.
- Notes:
* By hitting an Out-Lane Kicker you get 2 Out-Lane Passes.
* You'll probably want to re-activate the Out-Lane Kickers at least once during this mission.
> Refer to "Out-Lane Kickers" under the Secondary Objectives section for more information on how to activate the Out-lane Kickers.
> All Targets: Time Warp Mission
- Difficulty: Hard
- 30,000 points for accepting mission.
- 2,000,000 points for completing mission.
- 12 progress lights for completing mission (Time Warp forward only).
- Objectives
* Hit the Rebounds 25 times.
* Enter the Launch Ramp or Hyperspace Kicker.
- Strategy
* Use the rebounds at the top of the table as well as the ones near the flippers.
- Notes:
* If your rank is Commander (6 Rank Lights) DON'T GET DEMOTED.
* Hitting the Launch Ramp increases the Rank Lights & Progress Lights
* Hitting the Hyperspace Kicker decreases your rank by 1 and no Progress Lights are awarded.
> Any previously lit Progress Remain Lit.
Ranks: Admiral & Fleet Admiral
> Rank Strategy
- Maelstrom's the best because of the points & rewards, but Cosmic Pague is easy.
- Be wary of the Time Warp and don't get demoted.
> Top: Cosmic Plague Mission
- Difficulty: Easy
- 30,000 points for accepting mission.
- 1,750,000 points for completing mission.
- 11 progress lights for completing mission.
- Objectives
* Spin flags 75 times.
* Hit Space Warp Rollover.
- Strategy
* Aim for the Hyperspace Chute to get double the Flag roll.
* Send the ball to the top of the table through the Fuel Chute to hit the Space Warp Rollover.
- Notes:
* This is by far the easiest mission for these ranks.
* Complete this mission as many times as possible.
> Middle Target: Secret Mission
- Difficulty: Hardest
- 30,000 points for accepting mission.
- 1,500,000 points for completing mission.
- 10 progress lights for completing mission.
- Objectives
* Enter the Yellow Wormhole.
* Enter the Red Wormhole.
* Enter the Green Wormhole.
- Strategy
* The Yellow & Red Wormholes can be entered from either flipper.
* Use the Fuel Chute to try and enter the Green Wormhole
* If you get this mission by accident and don't want to try (yes it's that hard) hold the Ball on a flipper until Fuel runs out.
- Notes:
* Entering the appropriate Wormhole will not light the Replay Light.
* If the mission is aborted (all Fuel Lights go out) then the Wormholes will have to be re-activated ("Opened") before a Replay can be awarded.
* Accepting this mission is not recommended if a Replay Ball is not available.
> Bottom Targets: Time Warp Mission
- Difficulty: Medium
- 30,000 points for accepting mission.
- 2,000,000 points for completing mission.
- 12 progress lights for completing mission (Time Warp forward only).
- Objectives
* Hit the Rebounds 25 times.
* Enter the Launch Ramp or Hyperspace Kicker.
- Strategy
* Use the rebounds at the top of the table as well as the ones near the flippers.
- Notes:
* Hitting the Launch Ramp increases the Rank Lights & Progress Lights
* Hitting the Hyperspace Kicker decreases your rank by 1 and no Progress Lights are awarded.
> Any previously lit Progress Remain Lit.
> All Targets: Maelstrom
- Difficulty: Hard
- 30,000 points for accepting mission.
- 5,000,000 points for completing mission.
- 18 progress lights for completing mission.
- Objectives
* Hit 3 Drop Targets.
* Hit 3 Spot Targets.
* Send the Ball through 5 lanes.
* Shoot the ball up the fuel chute.
* Send the Ball up the launch ramp.
* Roll a Flag.
* Enter any Wormhole.
* Enter the Hyperspace Kicker.
- Strategy
* Having a Replay available is the best way to insure this mission is completed.
* Use all you've learned to complete this mission.
* You must roll the ball over the top (blue) fuel light in order to register the ball going up the fuel chute.
- Notes:
* Completing this mission lights out all your incremental bonus lights (Medal Targets, Booster Targets, Multiplier Targets & Hyperspace Lights) and awards all corresponding bonus'.
* Completing this mission allows you to rack-up major points all over the Table.
Mission Progress Notices
> Attack Bumper Hits Left:
- Indicates the number of times to hit the Attack Bumpers.
* Start value: 8
- Rank: Cadet, Ensign & Lieutenant
- Mission: Target Practice & Alien Menace Mission
> Drop Target Hits Left:
- Indicates the number of times to hit any of the Drop Targets.
* Start value: 3
- Rank: Admiral & Fleet Admiral
- Mission: Maelstrom
> Drop Targets Left:
- Indicates the number of times to hit the Drop Targets.
* Start value: 9
- Rank: Cadet
- Mission: Science
> Enter Black Hole
- Send the Ball into the Black Hole Kicker.
- Rank: Captain & Lt. Commander
- Mission: Black Hole
> Enter Wormhole
- Send the Ball into any of the Wormhole Kickers.
- Rank: Captain & Lt. Commander
- Mission: Space Radiation
> Fill Left Hazard Banks
- Hit all 3 of the Radiation (Left Hazard) Targets.
- Rank: Captain & Lt. Commander
- Mission: Space Radiation
> Fill Right Hazard Banks
- Hit all 3 of the Comet (Right Hazard) Targets.
- Rank: Captain & Lt. Commander
- Mission: Stray Comet
> Hit [color] Wormhole
- Send the Ball into the color Wormhole Kicker indicated.
- Rank: Ensign & Lieutenant, Admiral & Fleet Admiral
- Mission: Secret
> Hit Flags
- Roll (hit) either of the Flags.
- Rank: Admiral & Fleet Admiral
- Mission: Maelstrom
> Hit Hyperspace Chute or Launch Ramp
- Send the Ball into the Hyperspace Kicker or up the Launch Ramp.
* Demotion for Hyperspace Kicker.
* Promotion for Launch Ramp.
- Rank: Commander & Commodore, Admiral & Fleet Admiral
- Mission: Time Warp
> Hit Launch Ramp
- Send the Ball up the Launch Ramp.
- Rank: Admiral & Fleet Admiral
- Mission: Maelstrom
> Hit Space Warp Rollover
- Roll the Ball over the Space Warp Rollover.
- Rank: Captain & Lt. Commander, Admiral & Fleet Admiral
- Mission: Cosmic Plague
> Hit Wormhole
- Send the Ball into any of the Wormhole Kickers.
- Rank: Admiral & Fleet Admiral
- Mission: Maelstrom
> Hyperspace Chute to End Maelstrom
- Send the Ball into the Hyperspace Kicker to end the mission.
- Rank: Admiral & Fleet Admiral
- Mission: Maelstrom
> Hyperspace Launch
- Send the Ball into the Hyperspace Kicker.
- Rank: Ensign & Lieutenant , Captain & Lt. Commander
- Mission: Rescue & Stray Comet
> Lane Passes Left:
- Indicates the number of times to roll the Ball through any of the Lanes.
* Start value: 15 (Recon Mission)
* Start value: 5 (Maelstrom)
- Rank: Commander & Commodore, Admiral & Fleet Admiral
- Mission: Recon & Maelstrom
> Launches Left:
- Indicates the number of times to send the Ball up the Launch Ramp.
* Start value: 3
- Rank: Cadet
- Mission: Launch Training
> Out-Lane Passes Left:
- Indicates the number of times to roll the Ball through the Out-Lanes.
* Start value: 3
- Rank: Commander & Commodore
- Mission: Doomsday Machine
> Rebound Hits Left:
- Indicates the number of times to hit the Rebounds.
* Start value: 25
- Rank: Commander & Commodore, Admiral & Fleet Admiral
- Mission: Time Warp
> Re-Entries Left:
- Indicates the number of times to send the Ball through the Re-Entry Lanes.
* Start value: 3
- Rank: Cadet
- Mission: Re-Entry Training
> Remote Attack Bumpers Hits Left:
- Indicates the number of times to hit the Satellite Bumper.
* Start value: 3
- Rank: Commander & Commodore
- Mission: Satellite Retrieval
> Roll Flags:
- Indicates the number of times to roll (hit) the Flags.
* Start value: 75
- Rank: Captain & Lt. Commander, Admiral & Fleet Admiral
- Mission: Cosmic Plague
> Shoot Ball Up Fuel Chute
- Roll the Ball over the top-most Fuel Light.
- Rank: Admiral & Fleet Admiral
- Mission: Maelstrom
> Spot Target Hits:
- Indicates the number of times to hit any of the Spot Targets.
* Start value: 3
- Rank: Admiral & Fleet Admiral
- Mission: Maelstrom
> Targets Left:
- Indicates the number of times to hit the Targets (Spot or Drop).
* Start value: 15
- Rank: Ensign & Lieutenant
- Mission: Bug Hunt
> Upgrade Attack Bumpers
- Light all 3 Re-Entry Lane lights.
- Rank: Ensign & Lieutenant
- Mission: Alien Menace
> Upgrade Engine Bumpers
- Light all 3 Engine Lane Lights.
- Rank: Captain & Lt. Commander
- Mission: Black Hole
> Upgrade Flags
- Hit the Bonus Targets to upgrade the Flags.
- Rank: Ensign & Lieutenant
- Mission: Rescue
Mission Completion Notices
All Mission Completion notices are displayed in the Information Pane (See the 'Score Board' section for more information) and followed by either "Mission Complete [points]" or "Promotion to [Rank]". Refer to the preceding portion of this section for more information.
> Aliens Repelled
- The Alien Menace Mission has been completed.
- 7 Progress Lights awarded.
- 750,000 Points awarded.
> Black Hole Eliminated
- The Black Hole Mission has been completed.
- 8 Progress Lights awarded.
- 1,000,000 Points awarded.
> Comet Destroyed
- The Stray Comet Mission has been completed.
- 8 Progress Lights awarded.
- 1,000,000 Points awarded.
> Doomsday Machine Destroyed
- The Doomsday Machine mission has been completed.
- 9 Progress Lights awarded.
- 1,250,000 Points awarded.
> Launch Training Passed
- The Launch Training mission has been completed.
- 6 Progress Lights awarded.
- 500,000 Points awarded.
> Maelstrom!
- The Maelstrom Mission has been completed.
- 18 Progress Lights awarded.
- Rank increased if current rank is less than Fleet Admiral.
- 5,000,000 Points awarded.
> Plague Eliminated
- The Cosmic Plague Mission has been completed.
- 11 Progress Lights awarded.
- 1,750,000 Points awarded.
> Plans Recovered
- The Secret Mission has been completed.
- 10 Progress Lights awarded.
- 1,500,000 Points awarded.
> Radiation Eliminated
- The Space Radiation Mission has been completed.
- 8 Progress Lights awarded.
- 1,000,000 Points awarded.
> Re-Entry Training Passed
- The Re-Entry Training mission has been completed.
- 6 Progress Lights awarded.
- 500,000 Points awarded.
> Satellite Repaired
- The Satellite Retrieval Mission has been completed.
- 9 Progress Lights awarded.
- 1,250,000 Points awarded.
> Science Mission Completed
- The Science Mission has been completed.
- 9 Progress Lights awarded.
- 750,000 Points awarded.
> Survey Complete
- The Recon Mission has been completed.
- 9 Progress Lights awarded.
- 1,250,000 Points awarded.
> Survivors Rescued
- The Rescue Mission has been completed.
- 7 Progress Lights awarded.
- 750,000 Points awarded.
> Target Training Passed
- The Target Practice mission has been completed.
- 6 Progress Lights awarded.
- 500,000 Points awarded.
> Time Warp Backward
- The Time Warp Mission has been completed by sending the Ball into the Hyperspace Kicker.
- 0 Progress Lights awarded.
- 2,000,000 Points awarded.
> Time Warp Forward
- The Time Warp Mission has been completed by sending the Ball up the Launch Ramp.
- 12 Progress Lights awarded.
- 2,000,000 Points awarded.
> Xenomorphs Destroyed
- The Bug Hunt Mission has been completed.
- 7 Progress Lights awarded.
- 750,000 Points awarded.
Final Mission Note
Some strategy guides/walkthroughs indicate that if you light all 18 Progress Light with a Rank of Fleet Admiral that the game will freeze and you will not be able to post your high score. THIS IS NOT TRUE on my version so you may want to test it using the Cheat Codes before you're in a position where you have to choose to complete the Fleet Admiral rank and lock up the game.
The following objectives are not strictly necessary in order to complete missions or increase in rank, however, they are very useful and many players will like to know the ways in which to achieve them. Most of this information is dispersed elsewhere throughout this guide but has been consolidated here for easier reference. Additional information on some of these topics can be found in the 'Bonus', Jackpots and Awards' section.
Center Post
> Overview
- The Center Post is a small peg which rises from the table between the tips of the flippers.
- When activated it greatly reduces the chances the ball will drain between the flippers.
- The Center Post is activated by entering the Hyperspace Kicker 3 consecutive times or re-lighting the 3rd Hyperspace Kicker light.
- Notes:
* The Center Post is active for a limited amount of time (approximately 60 seconds).
* The Center Post Light will blink before the Center Post is retracted.
* When the Center Post Light go out so does the 3rd Hyperspace Chute light, however the preceding Hyperspace Chute Lights remain lit.
* The 3rd Hyperspace Chute Light may remain lit longer then the Center Post is active if the Hyperspace Kicker is entered while the Center Post is up.
* The ball can still drain when the Center Post is active so don't be too careless and don't let the Ball rest on the Center Post and one of the Flippers.
Extra Ball
> Overview
- Extra Balls allow a new ball to be played after one has drained without advancing the ball counter, however the table DOES reset.
- Extra Balls may also be awarded using the cheat codes.
* Refer to the Cheat Codes section for more information.
- An unlimited (no practical limit?) number of Extra Balls may be collected at any one time.
- An unlimited (no practical limit?) number of Extra Balls may be awarded throughout a single game.
- During normal game play there are two ways to obtain Extra Balls.
* Hyperspace/Out-Lane combination
* Level 3 Commendation
> Hyperspace/Out-Lane Combination
- Enter the Hyperspace Kicker 4 consecutive times or re-light the 4th Hyperspace Kicker light.
* This lights the Out-Lane lights making an Extra Ball "available".
* This does NOT award an Extra Ball.
- Pass an Out-Lane while the Out-Lane Lights are lit.
* This DOES award an Extra Ball.
- Notes:
* The Out-Lane Lights are lit for a limited amount of time (approximately 60 seconds) and blink before they go out.
* If the Out-Lane lights go out before an Extra Ball is awarded so does the 4th Hyperspace Chute light, however the preceding Hyperspace chute lights remain lit.
* Only 1 Extra Ball can be awarded for each time the 4th Hyperspace Chute light is lit.
* If the Hyperspace Kicker is entered while the 4th Hyperspace Chute Light is lit then all the Hyperspace Chute lights go out (Gravity Well activated).
> Level 3 Commendation
- Knock down all 3 Metal Targets 3 consecutive times.
* Each time all 3 targets are dropped a commendation is awarded an a Metal Light lit.
* An Extra Ball is awarded every time a Level 3 Commendation is awarded.
* Multiple Extra Balls may be awarded by continually achieving Level 3 Commendations.
- Notes:
* By accepting the following missions all of the dropped Metal Targets are raised, however any Commendation Lights remain lit.
> Science Mission (Cadet)
> Bug Hunt Mission (Ensign & Lieutenant)
Out-Lane Kickers
> Overview
- If the ball passes an Out-Lane it will either drain or enter an Out-Lane Kicker.
- If the ball enters an Out-Lane Kicker it is kicked back through the Out-Lane and the kicker is deactivated.
- If the kicker is deactivated the ball will only be able to drain if it passes the Out-Lane.
- The Out-Lane Kickers are reactivated by lighting all 3 corresponding Hazard Lights.
> Left Out-Lane Kicker
- Light all 3 lights associated with the Left Hazard (Radiation) Spot Targets.
> Right Out-Lane Kicker
- Light all 3 lights associated with the Right Hazard (Comet) Spot Targets.
> Notes:
- By accepting the following missions some or all of the Hazard Lights are extinguished:
* Bug Hunt Mission (Ensign & Lieutenant) - All target lights are turned off.
* Stray Comet Mission (Captain & Lt. Commander) - All Right Hazard Lights are turned off.
* Space Radiation Mission (Captain & Lt. Commander) - All Left Hazard Lights are turned off.
Replay Ball
> Overview
- Replay Balls allow the same ball to be played after it has drained without advancing the ball counter AND without resetting the table.
- Replay Balls are more valuable then Extra Balls but cannot be collected, however they can be awarded an unlimited number of times throughout a single game.
- There are two different kinds of Replay Balls which may both be available at the same time:
* Automatic Replay
* Wormhole Replay
> Automatic Replay Ball
- This is awarded any time a ball is discharged by the plunger.
- Availability is indicated by the Automatic Replay Light located at the bottom of the Right Out-Lane below the Right Flipper.
- It is only available for a limited amount of time after the ball enters the Deployment Chute.
* After approximately 30 seconds the light blinks and goes out.
- If the ball drains while both Replays are available the Wormhole Replay light remains lit.
> Wormhole Replay Ball
- This is awarded when the ball enters an ACTIVE Wormhole and kicks out of the same Wormhole.
* The Wormhole Light color and the Wormhole Exit Arrow color must match for this to happen.
- Availability is indicated by the Wormhole Replay Light located at the bottom of the Left Out-Lane below the Left Flipper.
- Activate the Wormholes by hitting the Wormhole Spot Target.
- Each Wormhole is identified by a colored light at the top of the Wormhole entrance.
- The Wormhole from which the ball will exit is indicated by the color of the Wormhole Exit Arrow at the entrance to each Wormhole.
* Change the Wormhole Exit Arrow color by hitting the Wormhole Spot Target or spinning either of the two Flags.
- Notes:
* If the Secret Mission has been aborted then the Wormholes will have to be re-activated by hitting the Wormhole Target before a Replay Ball can be awarded.
> Overview
- In order to complete any mission you must have "fuel" throughout the duration of that mission.
- The amount of fuel is indicated by the Fuel Lights in the Fuel Chute.
- The more Fuel Lights are lit the more fuel you have.
* When all Fuel Lights are lit they will all extinguish in approximately 90 seconds.
- You can partially "Re-Fuel" by sending the ball part way up the Fuel Chute and rolling over any unlit Fuel Lights.
- There are 3 ways to completely "Re-Fuel":
* Pass the Bonus Lane
* Rollover the Top (blue) Fuel Light.
* Hit all 3 Fuel Targets (spot).
> Pass the Bonus Lane
- The easiest way to pass this lane is to send the ball up the Launch Ramp.
- The Bonus Lane is passed when the ball exits the Launch Area.
- This (typically) assures a complete amount of "fuel" whenever a mission is accepted.
* It is possible for fuel to run out between the time a mission is accepted and the time the ball exits the Launch Area.
* See "Running Out of Fuel" below.
> Rollover the Top (blue) Fuel Light
- This may be accomplished in 3 ways:
* Sending the ball all the way up the Fuel Chute.
* Having the ball drop into the Fuel Chute from the top.
* Having the ball kick out of the Left Out-Lane Kicker.
> Hit All 3 Fuel Targets
- The Fuel Targets are the 3 Spot Targets spaced around the Remote (Satellite) Bumper.
- Light all 3 lights associated with these targets to "Re-Fuel".
* By accepting the Bug Hunt (Ensign & Lieutenant) Mission the Fuel Target Lights will be extinguished.
> Running Out of Fuel
- The fuel lights are extinguished in order from top to bottom with the amount of time between each one going out continually increasing.
- Individual Fuel Lights can be re-lit by rolling over them.
- If all the Fuel Lights are extinguished then new missions cannot be accepted and active missions will be "aborted".
- Notes:
* Each Fuel Light will blink for a short time before it goes out.
* When only the last Fuel Light remains lit the "Warning - Low Fuel" message will appear in the Instructional Pane of the Score Board.
* If all the Fuel Lights go out the "Re-fuel Ship" message will appear in the Instructional pane of the Score Board.
Skipping Ranks
> Overview
- "Skipping" a rank is a technique by which the number of Rank Lights is increased without being awarded all 18 progress lights.
- "Skipping" a rank can be accomplished a number of ways with varying degrees of difficulty. From easiest to hardest these are:
* Mission Based Skipping
* 4th Mission Drain Skipping
* Early Mission Acceptance Skipping
> The 4th Mission Drain & Early Mission Acceptance techniques may be bugs.
> Mission Based Skipping
- This technique is based on the Time Warp Mission only.
- Complete the Time Warp Mission by passing the Launch Ramp.
* Awards 9 Progress Lights and 1 Rank Light.
* Completing this mission when 9 or more Progress Lights are already lit will award 2 Rank Lights.
- Notes:
* This technique can only be used when the current rank is Commander, Commodore, or Admiral (6, 7, or 8 rank lights).
* Refer to the 'Missions' section for more information.
> 4th Mission Drain Skipping
- Complete the 4th (all Mission Targets) mission to increase in rank.
- Allow the ball to drain before the Progress Lights stop blinking in celebration.
* This keeps all 18 progress lights lit.
* Only one more mission (any mission) need be completed to increase in rank.
- Notes:
* This technique is most effective during the Cadet, Captain, and Lt. Commander ranks (1, 4 or 5 rank lights).
* This technique can be used repeatedly to increase the rank each time a mission is completed.
* A new Ball will be deployed and the board reset when the Ball is drained so have an Extra Ball available.
* This technique does not work when the Replay Light is lit.
> Early Mission Acceptance Skipping
- Complete any mission.
- Select and accept a new mission before the Progress Lights stop blinking in celebration.
* This keeps all 18 progress lights lit.
* Only the newly selected mission needs to be completed to increase in rank.
- Notes:
* This technique can be used repeatedly to increase the rank each time a mission is completed.
* This technique is extremely difficult to use.
* It is impossible to use this technique on the following missions because the ball is held in/on the table element used to complete the mission.
> Launch Training
> Rescue Mission
> Stray Comet Mission
> Maelstrom Mission
Upgrade Bumpers
> Overview
- Upgrading the bumpers makes the bumper worth more points when it is hit.
- The bumpers can be upgraded 3 times each allowing for 4 different upgrade levels
* Level 1: Blue (Default)
* Level 2: Green (1st Upgrade)
* Level 3: Yellow (2nd Upgrade)
* Level 4: Red (3rd Upgrade)
- Once upgraded the bumpers remain at each level for approximately 60 seconds. After that time the bumpers are downgraded 1 level.
* Bumpers can only be upgraded 1 level at a time.
* In order to increase to level 3 the bumpers must be upgraded while they are set a level 2.
* In order to increase to level 4 the bumpers must be upgraded while they are set a level 3.
* Upgrading the bumpers while they are set at level 4 resets the time before they are downgraded.
- There are two sets(types) of bumpers: Attack Bumpers & Engine Bumpers
* For more information refer to 'Bumpers' in the 'Table Elements' section.
> Attack Bumpers
- The Attack Bumpers are upgraded by lighting all 3 Re-entry Lane Lights.
- If 1 or 2 of the Re-entry Lane Lights are lit they can be rotated by activating the Flippers.
* Each Flipper rotates the lights in a different direction.
- Refer to 'Bumpers' in the 'Table Elements' section for information on point values at each level.
> Engine Bumpers
- The Engine Bumpers are upgraded by lighting all 3 Engine Lane Lights.
- If 1 or 2 of the Engine Lane Lights are lit they can be rotated by activating the Flippers.
* Each Flipper rotates the lights in a different direction.
- Refer to 'Bumpers' in the 'Table Elements' section for information on point values at each level.
XI. Bonus, Jackpots and Awards
> Points are added to the Bonus & Jackpots at the base rate they are accumulated on the board.
> Multipliers, Mission Awards, Bonuses & Jackpots are not added to the total.
> For more information see the 'Informational' part of the 'Messages' section.
> Bonus Lane
- Awarded when the Ball passes the Bonus Lane and the Bonus Light is lit.
* Base value: 10,000 points
* To light the Bonus Lane Light a mission must be completed.
- To increase point value drop all 3 Booster Targets 3 (Bonus Activated) or 4 (Bonus Hold) consecutive times.
* When the Bonus is Activated points are added to the Bonus as they are accumulated on the board.
* The Bonus is reset to its base value when the ball drains unless the Bonus Hold is on.
* The maximum Bonus is 5,000,000 points.
> Crash Bonus
- Awarded when the Ball drains and no Replay is available.
* Base value: 10,000 points
* Increased to 25,000 points after a mission is selected.
- To increase point value drop all 3 Booster Targets 3 (Bonus Activated) or 4 (Bonus Hold) consecutive times.
* When the Bonus is Activated points are added to the Bonus as they are accumulated on the board.
* The Bonus is reset to its base value when the ball drains unless the Bonus Hold is on.
* The maximum Bonus is 5,000,000 points.
Center Post
> Awarded when the Hyperspace Kicker is entered 3 consecutive times.
- Fixed value: 20,000 points
> The Center Post is activated for approximately 60 sec. before it goes down.
> Refer to the Secondary Objectives section for more information.
Extra Ball
> Awarded when:
- All 3 Medal Targets are dropped 3 consecutive times
- An Out-Lane is passed while the Out-Lane Light is lit.
> To light the Out-Lane Lights enter the Hyperspace Kicker 4 consecutive times.
> The maximum number of Extra Balls is unlimited.
- Fixed value: 0 points
> Refer to the Secondary Objectives section for more information.
Field Multiplier
> Awarded when all 3 Multiplier Targets are dropped.
> All points scored directly on the board are multiplied by the value indicated.
> Bonus', Jackpots, and Mission acceptance & completion awards are NOT multiplied.
> The number of Multiplier Lights lit Indicates which multiplier is currently being applied:
- 0 lights – 1x
- 1 light – 2x
- 2 lights – 3x
- 3 lights – 5x
- 4 lights – 10x
Flag Upgrade
> All 3 Booster Targets are dropped for the 1st time.
- Upgraded value: 2500 points per ½ spin
Hyperspace Bonus
> Awarded when the Ball enters the Hyperspace Kicker the first time.
- Fixed value: 10,000 points
> Awarded when the Ball enters the Hyperspace Kicker the 2 consecutive times.
- Base value: 20,000 points
> Drop all 3 Booster Targets 2 consecutive times to activate.
- When activated points are added to the Jackpot as they are accumulated on the board.
- The Jackpot is reset when it is awarded or the ball drains.
Replay Ball
> Awarded when the Ball enters an active Wormhole and exits same.
- Fixed value: 2500 points
- To rotate the Wormhole exit roll the Flags or hit the Wormhole
> Refer to the Secondary Objectives section for more information.
Reflex Shot Award
> Awarded when the Ball enters the Hyperspace Kicker or passes the Launch Ramp when the corresponding Reflex Shot Light is lit.
> Reflex Shot light is temporarily lit after the ball exits the Launch Area or the Hyperspace Kicker.
- Fixed value: 25,000 points
Return Lane Bonus
> Awarded when the Ball passes a Return Lane when the associated Return Lane Light is lit.
> Return Lane Lights are lit by hitting the Spacewarp Rollover.
- Fixed value: 25,000 points
> Once the bonus is awarded the Return Lane Light is extinguished.
Skill Shot
> Awarded when the Ball travels part way up the Deployment Chute and exits at the bottom of the chute through the Skill Shot Lane.
> Points are awarded based on how far up the Deployment Chute the Ball traveled as indicated by the Deployment Lights.
- 1 light – 15,000 points
- 2 lights – 30,000 points
- 3 lights – 75,000 points
- 4 lights – 30,000 points
- 5 lights – 15,000 points
- 6 lights – 7500 points
> A Skill Shot is not available on a Replay Ball but is available on an Extra Ball.
XII. Multi-Player Mode
> Set the number of players by selecting 'Options' and 'Select Players from the pull-down menus
- Switching the number of players automatically restarts the current game.
- BUG: If the number of players is changed before the game starts the change will not register.
* This only occurs if no game has previously been completed during the current session.
> Up to 4 players are able to play at once.
> The current player (1, 2, 3 or 4) is indicated in the Player Window as well as being shown in the Information Window whenever the ball drains.
- The current player remains active until all Replay Balls and Extra Balls are lost.
- This is the only way to advance the Player Counter.
- Each players score increase separately from the other players.
> The "Max" cheat codes work only for the current player.
- If the "bmax" cheat code is entered the table must be 'Tilted' to advance the Player Counter.
> The "hidden_test" cheat code works for all players.
> To re-enter single player mode change the number of players to 1 using the pull down menu.
XIII. Cheat Codes
> The cheat codes can be used to play different levels, practice or examine specific table functions.
> Type cheat codes during game play. No points are awarded for entering cheat codes.
> Scores achieved while using the "Max Codes" cannot be added to the 'High Scores List'.
> Scores achieved using the Test Codes can not be added to the 'High Scores List'.
- Scores achieved using the "hidden test" code which are high enough to can be added to the 'High Scores List' will cause the "High Score"
message to be displayed, however these scores are not added to the 'High Score List'.
Max Codes
> "1max"
- Awards an Extra Ball.
- Type this code multiple times to get more Extra Balls.
- The number pad may not be used to enter this code.
> "bmax"
- Awards Unlimited Balls.
- If the Ball drains a new Ball will be kicked from the Yellow Wormhole automatically.
- To cancel this code 'Tilt' the table.
- No other cheats may be entered when this code is active.
> "gmax"
- Activates the Gravity Well.
> "rmax"
- Increases the number of Rank Lights by 1.
- Type this code multiple times to further increase rank.
Test Codes
> "hidden_test"
- Enters 'Test Mode'
- Allows the Ball to be moved with the mouse by clicking & holding in the game window.
- Once this code is entered it is active for the entire session.
* The game must be closed and restarted to dismiss this code.
- Use the following keys after the 'hidden_test' code has been entered:
* "h" – Changes the 2nd place score to 1,000,000,000 and allows the Player name to be entered. Does not change 1st place, even if it's less that 1 Billion points.
* "m" – Displays the system memory in a separate window.
* "r" – Increases the number of Rank Lights by 1.
* "y" – Displays the game frame-rate in the title bar.
- The "Max" codes do not work while 'test mode' is active.
XIV. Advice & Strategy
This section is intended to aid new and advanced players in increasing both their score and enjoyment of the game. Strategy and advice is subjective. If you don't agree or have an alternate strategy which works for you then, by all means, ignore this section.
General Advice
> Be flexible.
- Know what you want to do and set floating priorities.
- Update and revise your priorities as the table changes.
> Always try to have a Replay available.
> Play mainly to complete missions.
> Enter the Hyperspace Kicker as much as possible, except when it will result in Gravity Well.
> Be wary of the Gravity Well, it can make the Ball do funny things, plus it resets the Hyperspace Lights.
- If it becomes active try and 'Normalize' gravity as quickly as possible.
- It is advantageous to "activate" & "normalize" the Gravity Well when Field Multipliers are activated due to the large number of points awarded.
> Don't get hung up on the Medal Targets.
- Fixating on them keeps you from scoring points elsewhere.
- Only try to hit them when the 2nd (orange) or 3rd (purple) Medal Lights are already lit.
> Have a minimum point total and/or rank/progress you want to achieve for your first Ball.
- If the Ball counter ticks to 2 before you're there, start a new game.
> Take advantage of the Field Multipliers when you get them (10x runs up the score REALLY fast!).
- Field Multipliers don't apply to Bonuses, Awards & Jackpots.
> The game moves different speeds depending on how many applications you have running.
- Experiment running different applications in the background and take note of when you play better.
> Even when the Center Post is up the Ball can still drain so be careful.
- Don't let the Ball rest on the Center Post and one of the Flippers.
Specific Advice
> If you have one of the upper level multipliers (3x, 5x or 10x) it's worth it to get the Gravity Well, it can be worth up to 1.5 million points.
> The Yellow Wormhole is easiest to hit, followed by the Red. Try to use these two to receive Replays.
- These 2 Wormholes can be hit directly from either flipper.
> The far left Medal Target is hardest to hit.
- If it's already down and at least one Medal Light is lit try aiming for the remaining targets to get an Extra Ball.
- When deliberately aiming for the Medal Targets try and hit this one first.
> If 2 or more Medal Lights are lit concentrate at hitting the Medal Targets.
> When the Ball is kicked out of the Black Hole Kicker it will hit the middle Medal Target.
- If this target is up the Ball will rebound into the right Out-Lane about 50% of the time.Try and nudge the table to keep this from happening.
- If this target is down the Ball will hit the right Medal Target and normally rebound to the upper part of the table.
- If both the middle & right Medal Targets are down the Ball will bounce and hit the bottom Booster Target then rebound to the Left Flipper.
* If the bottom Booster Target is down the Ball will bounce between the flippers and drain if the Center Post is not up. Try and nudge the table to keep this from happening.
> When the Ball is kicked out of the Hyperspace Kicker it will bounce off the Left Flipper & rebound up the Launch Ramp about 70% of the time if the flipper is NOT activated.
- If the wormholes are activated the Wormhole Exit Light will normally rotate 2 colors upon the Ball being kicked out of the Hyperspace Kicker.
- Use this to catch the Ball on the Left Flipper and shoot it into the Yellow Wormhole to get a Replay Ball.
> There are a couple of tricks so only one mission needs to be completed to upgrade the Rank Lights.
- See the "Skipping Ranks" part of the "Secondary Objectives" section for more information.
Things to Get Good At
> Catching the Ball on the Flippers.
- Do this by holding the flipper keys so the Ball comes to rest on the Flippers before shooting the Ball up the table.
* Refer to 'Catching' in the 'Concepts section for more information.
- This allows you to shoot the ball more accurately.
> Sending the Ball up the Launch Ramp.
- Do this by shooting the Ball from the middle of the Right Flipper.
- This allows you to accept missions, Re-fuel, move the Ball from the Right Flipper to the Left Flipper.
> Sending the Ball up the Hyperspace Chute.
- Do this by shooting the Ball from the end of the Left Flipper.
- This allows you to receive the Jackpot, the Center Post, chances at an Extra Ball and the Gravity Well.
> Sending the Ball up the Fuel Chute.
- Do this by shooting the Ball from the end of the Right Flipper.
- This allows you to Re-fuel, get the Ball to the Green Wormhole, and get the Ball to the Re-Entry Lanes.
> Sending the Ball into the Yellow Wormhole.
- Do this by shooting the Ball from the tip of the Left Flipper.
- This allows you to get a Replay Ball when the Wormhole Exit Light is Yellow.
> Launch Ramp Skill Shots.
- Do this by catching the Ball with the Left Flipper as it drops through the Bonus Lane, but not allowing it to come to rest. When it bounces out over the left Flipper shoot it back up the Launch Ramp.
- This allows you to complete missions and receive Skill Shot Awards.
> Hyperspace Skill Shots.
- Do this by "one timing" the Ball back up the chute with the Left Flipper.
- This allows you to receive the Jackpot, the Center Post, chances at an Extra Ball and the Gravity Well.
> Hitting the left Medal Target.
- Do this by shooting the Ball from the middle of the Right Flipper or using the Launch Ramp Skill Shot technique from the Left Flipper.
- This allows you to receive Commendations & Extra Balls.
XV. Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) & Comments
> Why did you write this guide?
- Refer the the 'Guide Pupose' part of the 'The Guide' section.
> Where can I find this game?
- The original version of the game was developed by Cinematronics and published by Maxis in 1995 as part of "Full Tilt! Pinball".
- The original Windows version came with 'Windows 95 Plus!' add-on.
- My version of the game shipped with Windows XP.
- You can also find it on the internet if you put in a little time.
* Do a search for "3D Pinball Space Cadet Download"
* Be wary: I've seen a version out there which is exactly the same but all the messages are in German!
> What's your high score?
- 62,689,750 (that's over 62.6 million) with no cheating.
- My low high score (5th highest) is just over 46 million.
> Only 62 Million?
- I actually may have been able to get more points, but I was playing under the (incorrect) impression that if you got 18 progress lights with a rank of Fleet Admiral that the game would freeze and you wouldn't be able to post your high score.
> This game is so basic. Why is this guide so long?
- As simple as the game may seem there's a lot of complexity hiding under the surface.
- If you want to be really proficient at pinball there's more to it then hitting the flippers and watching the ball bounce around.
> Where'd you get all this information? How did you compile this guide?
- I began by playing (a lot) and noting my observations.
- I used the cheat codes (especially "hidden_test") to test what happened in different scenarios, note how many points different elements were worth and validate other observations.
> What happens if the score board 'rolls over' (score reaches 1 billion)?
- It resets to 0 and then continues to accumulate points as normal.
- The game cannot accept high scores over 1 Billion points.
> How do the Jackpots/Bonuses work?
- It's complicated.
- See the Bonus', Jackpots & Awards Section.
> Does the game freezes if you advance beyond the Rank of Fleet Admiral?
- I've seen this noted on certain websites & walkthroughs and found it to be untrue.
- It may have been an earlier bug the fixed with the XP version.
- If you're worried about the possibility use the cheat codes and check for yourself. (That's what I did.)
> Did I skip a rank? How did that happen?
- You may have.
- Check the 'Skipping Ranks' part of the 'Secondary Objectives' section for various rank "skipping" techniques.
> I changed the number of players but it didn't seem to work. What's the deal?
- This appears to be a bug in the game.
- In order to change the number of players you must do one of the following things:
* Change the number of players then Exit and restart the game.
* Begin a game and then change the number of players.
> This will cancel the current game.
> Any high scores achieved during the canceled game will not be saved.
> The Ball went through my flipper! Aaaargh!!!
- This has happed to me a few times.
- I don't know what causes it and, yes, it is very annoying.
> The cheat code you gave me doesn't work.
- They all work on my version.
- I don't know why it doesn't work on yours.
> I think your advice/strategy is stupid.
- Fine. Don't use it.
- It's how I achieved my high scores, but if your score is higher than 62.7 million you must have a better strategy so use that instead.
> Do you have a drawing showing all the table elements? Can I get a copy?
- I do have a drawing, but you can't contact me so unless it's in the same place you found this guide you probably can't get a copy.
- If you check the game Help there's a decent drawing with the elements labeled, but be wary of the associated advice, it's not all accurate.
> I found an error or omission, can I contact you?
- No.
- As I find these I'll update them, but just about everything's already in here.
> But I really want to contact you.
- No.
- Go away.
- Stop bothering me.
* If you're really desperate and somewhat resourceful you should be able to find a way to contact me (I'm talking about you, Sebastian), but I'm not going to tell you how.
> But I have a question.
- Everything I know is in this guide.
- I've put in a lot of time and made it as accurate as possible.
- If you have a question that's not answered here I don't know the answer.
> When will you update this guide again?
- There's no telling. Be happy you've received any updates at all.
- As I think of or discover new information which should be added I'll update, but it's already pretty complete.
- The 'Version History' section below can give you an idea about the randomness of the updates.
- New revisions will most likely be more like "refinements" from this point forward, anyway.
XVI. Thanks
> Thanks to for the ASCII title.
> Thanks to for help with the Copyright Section & Cheat Codes.
> Thanks to for hosting this guide.
> Thanks to Cinematronics and Maxis for creating such a fun game.
> Thanks to Wikipedia for the reference to the original Windows Version (
> Thanks to Wikipedia for information on the history of Pinball and some of the information in the 'Concepts' section (
> Thanks to Sebastian for corrections information on the Meteor/Maelstrom lights.
> Thanks to all those who wrote lousy guides for this game. Without you this guide wouldn't exist.
> Thanks to you for reading this guide.
XVII. Version History
> Version 1.0
Date: 1-10-2007
- Initial Version
> Version 1.1
Date: 11-16-2007
- Miscellaneous minor/general updates and corrections.
- Added 'Multi-Player' section.
- Added 'Version History' section.
- Added Roman numerals and line tags to the body of the text.
- Added Cadet Missions to the Mission Completion Notices.
> Version 1.2
Date: Not Published
- Miscellaneous minor/general updates and corrections.
- Changed line tags to section codes.
- Updated the 'Guide Purpose' section and re-labeled it 'The Guide'.
> Version 1.3
Date: 12-28-2007
- Miscellaneous minor/general updates and corrections.
- Updated the index to make it more detailed (added more subsections).
- Added the 'Concepts' section.
- Updated the Secret Mission notes.
- Updated the Time Warp Mission notes.
- Added the Points Awarded for each mission to the Mission Completion notices.
- Added the 'Secondary Objectives' section.
- Reformatted the 'Bonus', Jackpots & Awards' section.
- Updated & added to the 'FAQ'.
- Added thanks to Wikipedia.
> Version 1.4
Date: 02-05-2008
- Miscellaneous minor/general updates and corrections.
- Added information on the Help menu to the 'Program Controls & Menus' section.
- Added Areas to the 'Table' section and removed the corresponding information from the 'Miscellaneous Elements' section.
- Added the Deployment Lights to the 'Miscellaneous Lights' part of the 'Table' section.
- Added the Rebound Lights to the 'Miscellaneous Lights' part of the 'Table' section.
- Added 'Return Lane Bonus' to the 'Bonus's, Jackpots & Awards' section.
- Added 'Skill Shot' to the 'Bonus's, Jackpots & Awards' section.
> Version 1.5
Date: 03-27-08
- Miscellaneous minor/general updates and corrections.
- Added 'Upgrade Bumpers' to the 'Secondary Objectives' section.
- Added information on the Multiplayer Bug to the 'Multi-player' and 'FAQ' sections.
- Relocated the informaton on Skipping Ranks to the 'Missions' section and removed most of it from the 'FAQ' section.
> Version 1.5.1
Date: 08-01-08
- Miscellaneous minor/general updates and corrections.
- Updated the information on the 'Meteor Lights' and renamed them the 'Maelstrom Lights'
- Added a note to the 'Version' part of the 'Game Information' section.
- Added a thanks to Sebastian.
> Version 1.5.2
Date: 11-07-08
- Miscellaneous minor/general updates and corrections.
- Moved the 'Concepts' section infront of the 'Game Information' section.
- Added section search codes ([XXX]) to the tertiary sections listed in the index, specifically to the Table: Areas, Elements & Lights sections and the Bonus', Jackpots & Awards: Bonus section.
- Added a fourth level to the index for the Table section indicating what is included under each tertiary section.
> Version 1.5.2
Date: 06-19-12
- Miscellaneous minor/general updates and corrections.
- Indicated where to find the information on how to accomplish the following mission tasks:
* Upgrade Flags
* Upgrade the Attack Bumpers
* Upgrade the Engine Bumpers
* Light all 3 Right Hazard Target Lights
* Light all 3 Left Hazard Target Lights