Windows PowerShell Built-In CSV Viewer
Posted: 3/20/2019 10:46:31 AM
By: PrintableKanjiEmblem
Times Read: 1,753
0 Dislikes: 0
Topic: Windows Administration

One of those nice hidden things that makes life much easier. There is a nice GUI-based CSV viewer built into PowerShell!

From the PowerShell prompt, use the following line:

Import-Csv filename.csv | Out-GridView

Which will give you a view like this:

Also, if you have a file that uses something other than commas to specify the separate fields (Such as a pipe '|', or semicolon ';'), you can add the following extra parameter:

Import-Csv filename.csv -delimiter '|' | Out-GridView


Import-Csv filename.csv -delimiter ';' | Out-GridView

Tab-delimited requires a strange specification (backtick followed by t), but works just fine:

Import-Csv filename.csv -delimiter "`t" | Out-GridView


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