Ubuntu 21.04 is out and can now join Active Directory
Posted: 4/23/2021 12:10:48 PMBy: PrintableKanjiEmblem
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Topic: Linux
Never thought I'd see the day, but it's here. The newest version now is Active Directory compliant and can be joined to an AD Domain. Group policies in Active Directory can now be used to manage Ubuntu workstations, and the workstations can freely access Active Directory resources (shares, etc.) using those AD credentials as a Single Sign On client.
And... Built in support for the Linux version of Microsoft SQL Server 2019. And with that you can add Azure Data Studio which also runs on Linux, and gives you nearly all the abilities of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), even with on-premises SQL Servers - it doesn't have to be an Azure database.
Pretty cool, check out more on Canonical's blog: Ubuntu 21.04 is here | Ubuntu
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