Generic Extension Method to Determine if a Value is Contained in a List or Array of Elements
Posted: 7/9/2021 11:11:52 AM
By: PrintableKanjiEmblem
Times Read: 1,237
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Topic: Programming: .NET Framework

Why something like this isn't built into .NET, I have no idea. But several places I've worked at have had variations on this to make development easier. So here's my implementation of it:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace [ProjectName].ExtensionMethods
   public static class GenericExtensions
      /// Indicates if the source value is contained in the passed list.
      /// Source value we are looking for in the list.
      /// List of values to search.
      /// bool
      public static bool IsContainedIn(this T sourceValue, IEnumerable list)
         return list.Contains(sourceValue);

      /// Indicates if the source value is contained in the passed params.
      /// Source value we are looking for in the list
      /// Param array of values to search.
      /// bool
      public static bool IsContainedIn(this T sourceValue, params T[] list)
         return list.Contains(sourceValue);

Usage examples:

using ContainedTest.ExtensionMethods;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ContainedTest
   class Program
      static void Main()
         Console.Write("Press Enter");
      private static void ExampleWithList()
         var sourceValue = 3;
         var valueList = new List { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
         Console.WriteLine("Example with List:");
         Console.WriteLine($"Is 3 contained in value list: {sourceValue.IsContainedIn(valueList)}");
         Console.WriteLine($"Is 22 contained in value list: {22.IsContainedIn(valueList)}");
         Console.WriteLine($"Is 3 contained in inline-supplied list: {sourceValue.IsContainedIn(new List { 2, 3, 7, 22 })}");
      private static void ExampleWithParams()
         Console.WriteLine("Example with Params:");
         var sourceValue = 3;
         Console.WriteLine($"Is 3 contained in param array: {sourceValue.IsContainedIn(1, 3, 5, 7, 9)}");
         Console.WriteLine($"Is 22 contained in param array: {22.IsContainedIn(1, 3, 5, 7, 9)}");


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