"Euphemisms" For Vomiting
Posted: 12/3/2021 4:08:11 PM
By: PrintableKanjiEmblem
Times Read: 1,097
0 Dislikes: 0
Topic: Humor
  • Yawning in technicolor
  • Engaging in an involuntary protein spill
  • Puke
  • Spew
  • Emit
  • Chunder
  • Retch
  • Sick Up
  • Do A Technicolour Yawn
  • Park The Tiger
  • Yell for Ralph
  • Call Europe On The Great White Telephone
  • Make A Pavement Pizza
  • Have a School Lunch Re-Run
  • Air The Diced Carrots
  • Barf and Produce The Liquid Laugh
  • Shout at your Shoes
  • Drive the Porcelin Bus
  • Boot
  • Blow chunks
  • Blow doughnuts  (Time to blow the doughnuts!)
  • Woof your cookies
  • Power Spit
  • Leaving your offering to the porcelain god
  • Talking to Ralph on the Big White Telephone
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