By: PrintableKanjiEmblem
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Topic: News: Politics
Regulations are written in blood. You can't just start slashing them and then pack the courts full of pro-corporate sycophants and not have consequences. But those consequences take a while to hit and since the media is controlled by billionaires it's easy to shift to blame around and confuse the issue.
This last year was especially bad when the billionaire it's just put their foot down and stopped allowing the journalism to happen at all. I don't know what you do with that level of hysteria. Especially when it's continuously fed by billionaire propaganda. Mix in some deep deep deep spending cuts that will devastate your community and Trump can easily get the money together to give his billionaire buddies a trillion dollars of your money every year. That money will be shifted into tax cuts for the billionaire buddies running the administration. When that happens the media outlets that exist is billionaire propaganda can be subsidized but the honest journalists either go out of business or they get bought up.
The billionaires put their foot down during the last election and they are not taking it off our necks anytime soon. What do you do when every single news outlet gets bought up by a billionaire and they just put their foot down and refuse to allow anyone to be anything but an offshoot of Fox News?
Big donors basically means billionaires here and that includes the tech Titans. As right-wingers are so fond of pointing out high income earners pay about half of that. Now mind you middle income earners pay more taxes overall both as a percentage of their income and just as a raw number because there are a wide variety of taxes that target them that do not or barely apply to billionaires. Billionaires for example don't pay a hell of a lot of sales tax.
First social media is heavily modified and warped by extremely powerful and wealthy political interests including foreign intelligence agencies. Never mind the billionaires. It turned out the billionaires making use of cheap Indian labor didn't want all of their employees going off to fight in war. They didn't want the economic disruption and they put their foot down and said no. At the end of the day it's the business interests that run things and so there was no war between India and Pakistan.
To be fair he's not the only billionaire that took a bit of government developed technology and ran with it but whereas with Larry Ellison everyone just admits it he took free government developed database software and created Oracle everyone around me pretends Elon Musk is the guy who invented rockets when he can't even finish a level in path of exile 2 without Chinese aid.
Now if you could find a way to let all the billionaires know that you're running that kind of a scam so that they steer clear of it while also getting plenty of investment and stock purchases from anyone with a net worth under $1 billion dollars then yeah it might work. The problem is it's really hard to keep a conspiracy like that under wraps.
The media companies are owned by billionaires and they just want Trump to keep pouring money into them. Trump has a plan for at a minimum 4 trillion dollars in tax cuts for the next 10 years. Never mind that the fourth estate is now completely owned by billionaires who are putting their foot down non-stop. I think Americans get more propaganda than the Chinese.
The billionaires wanted Trump. They did not want Harris/Walz. So the billionaires exercised the full extent of power they've been storing up by buying all the TV stations, news papers and websites for the last 45 some odd years.
Don't jive with the billionaires who put him in office. They don't want the massive tariffs just yet since they still depend on sales of products for money and they certainly don't want Mass deportation because they want that cheap cheap labor. Right now it looks like he's just going to focus on raiding the treasury for his billionaire buddies and himself. It was starting to break down because voters had sort of figured out the pattern but the billionaires who own our media just put their foot down and would not allow any negative coverage of Trump and put out absolutely crazy negative coverage of Biden.
The billionaires who own our media put their foot down this time and didn't leave anything to chance. There's a thing called manufactured consent in the world of journalism.
I always find it funny watching people freak out over the government taking away their rights and then willingly giving them away to billionaires and mega corporations. Like how the same people who freak out over 15 minutes walkable cities are completely okay with self-driving cars taking over everything. At least as long as they're from Tesla.
You might disagree with the law but this particular law is definitely constitutional. It's probably going to end badly because it looks like one of the billionaire ghouls is going to buy it up and turn it into another Nazi bar like what Twitter became and what Facebook is rapidly becoming.
Companies don't compete anymore. They are all owned by the same handful of billionaires either directly through private equity or indirectly through major shareholding stakes. So companies do not compete.
Then voters get pissed off because we're only just barely on track after 8 years (blissfully unaware of the Republicans obstructing any attempt to fix things for that 8 years) and we go back to tax cuts for billionaires and deregulation. I'm so old those tax cuts were just for multi-millionaires...
I do think that the multi-millionaires are starting to worry that the multi-billionaires aren't in the same class. You could see some of them switching over to team blue because they've seen what happens to their lot over in Russia when they start to challenge the real oligarchy.