RE: Kansas school board drops evolution
Posted: 8/12/1999 10:53:08 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
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Topic: News: Politics
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This is completely insane. Here is an email I sent to Andy Tompkins, the commissioner of the Kansas State Department of Education.


Recently, scientists found a way to slow light to around 35 miles per hour by passing it through a strange thing called an "Einstein/Rosenberg field". (It really exists, search for news about it.)

There were a few people at my house when I read about that. Me and my friends read that and thought that was extremely interesting. However, the husband of my wife's cousin was also there. He didn't get it. He wanted to know why on Earth there would be any purpose in doing such a thing. We were flabbergasted... Speechless. We were at a loss as to how to answer his question. Here is a monumental advance in science, and here is this poor fellow, too uneducated to realize the significance of such a thing.

I feel the same way when reading of the news that the Kansas Board of Education has removed the study of evolution from it's textbooks. I have no idea how to reply to people of this nature. A fish will not turn into a frog. That is not evolution. A species of fish, over a very long time, will slowly adapt to changing environmental conditions, until the species has changed so radically that it can no longer be classed as the same species. That is evolution in action. There is no hiding your head in the sand to avoid this.

This is a very sad day. A complete failure in the educational system. You have bowed down before the uneducated raving of the very people you have failed to educate. I cannot think of anything else to say...

The most ironic thing here is that if you go to the Kansas State Department of Education website, it says that their mission statement is:

Our mission is to prepare each person with the living, learning, and working skills and values necessary for caring, productive, and fulfilling participation in our evolving, global society.

Note that they use the word EVOLVING!!!!  What a herd of complete ignoramusii!!

Now I've seen everything!
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RE: RE: Kansas school board drops evolution
Posted: 8/12/1999 10:58:33 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,769
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Topic: News: Politics
Error correction: It is a Bose-Einstein field, not an Einstein/Rosenberg field.

This is a link to the actual CNN.COM story about it.
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RE: RE: Kansas school board drops evolution
Posted: 8/12/1999 11:45:19 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
Times Read: 1,742
0 Dislikes: 0
Topic: News: Politics
I agree with you but it was not 'The Kansas School Board'  it was ONE school district..... district #259 ...... and what they dropped was the subject of evolution from high school grad. competency tests not the teaching of the theory in school curriculam.
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