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Posted At: 8/7/2004 7:10:21 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 3430 times
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Anybody know how to say (And however it's supposed to be written) "Fuck You" in Swahili? I want to get it for a tattoo.
Posted At: 12/16/2003 12:34:56 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 2915 times
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Q: Hey, I am buying myself a new computer for christmas, and want to spend about $5-600. I've heard good things about Dell, but am just not sure. I have high speed internet at home, and don't do too much downloading. What do you recommend? A: Dell's good, but they build their stuff overseas, just laid off their whole US factory, so I'm not very happy with them.Gateway on the other hand, builds just as good computers, in the same price range, and has committed to continue building their machines in South Dakota and not put more Americans out of work. If I was going to buy one, I'd buy Gateway - quality and price are the same, and our politicians are doing nothing to preserve jobs in the US, so it's up to voting with where you spend your money.If you buy Gateway, you keep Joe and Bill employed. If you buy Dell, you provide employment for Sandeep and Ashok, plus your taxes then go to provide food stamps for Joe & Bill's families. Your choice! :)