
Scream your head off!

Posted At: 8/29/2019 5:38:19 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 1802 times
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Posted At: 6/10/2019 12:11:47 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 1867 times
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A very bizaare view of The Matrix, not saying I agree with this, but it's definitely a weird way of looking at it. Found this on another site.After having just finished watching The Matrix Trilogy I must say I was blown away. They were the best Sci-Fi films I had seen in a long time and unexpectedly deep for such popular movies. The films are packed with symbolism and meaning and being pretty sure I knew what the metaphor behind them was I went online to read all about it, except to my surprise there was not one good analysis to be found. I found articles about The Matrix and Buddhism, The Matrix and Christianity or The Matrix and Judaism but none that hit what I thought the thrust of the films was. That being the case it looks like it's up to me to write up an essay on what the real meaning behind the Matrix movies is.        The Matrix itself is an extended metaphor for Jewish control of American society. What's that you say, that's crazy talk? The stuff of conspiracies? Please, hear me out before making up your mind. First you have to take into account that virtually every news and media organization in America is Jewish owned and heavily Jewish staffed. Newspapers, TV, magazines, even the sources of most of the raw info itself like Reuters and the Associated Press. Couple that with absolute domination by Jews in Hollywood and you can see ...
Posted At: 6/12/2017 2:18:14 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 2123 times
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The first thing anyone should say to a debt collector calling them. The entire conversation should go like this:"Before we proceed, I would just like to inform you that this conversation is being recorded for my records. If you don't consent to bring recorded, please hang up the phone now, as not hanging up constitutes consent. Can I please have the full name and mailing address of the firm you are calling from? Thank you. Before I speak to you about the debt you are claiming I owe, I need your to send me via certified mail all records indicating that the debt is valid, that it belongs to me, and that you are legally authorized to collect this debt. I will be following up with a certified letter reiterating these points, and will decide how to proceed once I receive the information from you. Please do not contact me by phone again. Thank you."Follow up with a form letter by certified mail demanding confirmation of the debt. If you don't get confirmation within 30 days off your letter getting there, you can go ahead and dispute the debt on your credit report and chances are it'll go away. If they do respond, and it is actually a valid debt that is in fact yours, decide how to proceed from there.