
Got something to announce? Let everyone know here! (Just do us a favor - skip the lame "Get Rich Quick" postings - we get enough of those things in our spam mail. Scams and Spams will be deleted without comment.)

Posted At: 10/13/2022 9:03:11 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 1220 times
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Finally, after way too many years (decades actually!) I finally feel that the game is ready for public usage.Still counting it as "beta" quality, and have many ideas for things to be added, but it's playable and looks "alright" both in desktop and mobile perspectives.What is it? Basically you are exploring frontier Nebraska back in 1888. Take your horse-drawn wagon and go from township to township, buying and selling commodities at tradeposts scattered throughout the state. (And when I say scattered, I mean scattered - a monster EF6 tornado has rearranged the state to the point that even actual Nebraskans will find that towns and roads are not where you would expect them.)Saddle up your horse and check it out at !!Also see the new MessageBase topic dedicated to WildFrontiers!
Posted At: 4/6/2021 6:47:36 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 1878 times
0 Dislikes: 0
LaVar Burton (aka Geordi LaForge, Kunta Kinte) is in the running to take over Alex Trebek's old gig on Jeopardy!Sign the petition to help make that happen.
Posted At: 4/14/2020 8:02:19 AM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 2257 times
0 Dislikes: 0
MessageBase is helping find a cure for COVID-19 by dedicating its extra computer power to fold protein chains with Folding@Home.See/Join our team at:
Posted At: 12/29/2019 4:28:58 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 2047 times
0 Dislikes: 0
Help MessageBase pay the bills, download the Brave Browser from the link below and MessageBase gets rewarded via the Brave Rewards program.Download Brave
Posted At: 9/28/2019 12:02:06 AM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 2089 times
0 Dislikes: 0
Got to go to the grand opening of Omaha's second Beercade location tonight. Been waiting on this one for months and it's finally here!The place was packed, great turnout for a first day open. Everybody was super friendly, both staff and customers. Had a lot of great conversations with friends both old and new.Gotta say it was one of the best times I've had in a long time! Took some pictures for your enjoyment:Go check it out, great games, great beer, great atmosphere!Beercade2: 1423 S 13th St, Omaha, NE
Posted At: 10/23/2016 7:34:43 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 2549 times
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Finally, after way too long of messing with a plugin that simply did not work, I obtained a new picture upload plugin and now you can upload pictures inline with your message posts!
Posted At: 12/8/2014 7:41:20 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 2679 times
0 Dislikes: 0
Once again, MessageBase is brought back from the ashes. This time re-written using ASP.NET MVC 5, Bootstrap, HTML 5, and just way better programming practices.You might wonder why there was no public release of MessageBase 4.0? It was a failed effort, written using some older ways of doing things which along the way I learned better ways. So I scrapped it and started over.This is 5.0.0 ßeta, not all the functionality is here yet. But I figured thing were good enough for an early launch so the search engines can start finding the place again. It's been well over a year (maybe two?) since I took MessageBase offline.All the original users have been removed. Anything posted before this message has been changed to be posted as Comfortably Anonymous. Just leaving the old messages there for old times sake. Some go all the way back to 1999!Enjoy, tell your friends!MessageBase: Where the threads never close!
Posted At: 3/9/2011 12:17:22 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 2222 times
0 Dislikes: 0
Broke pretty much everything when installing some .NET 4.0 software on the same server as MessageBase. [Didn't do my homework on installing 4.0 apps] Had to rebuild from scratch. :(Sorry for the interruption!
Posted At: 2/24/2011 2:04:45 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 2216 times
0 Dislikes: 0
Some people say it looks terrible.I kinda really like it.What do you think?// Yes, you can post as anonymous, so please let me know what you think.// Just the layout of the main page, the rest of the whole thing is getting a modern update and completed.
Posted At: 12/25/2010 4:46:09 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 2922 times
0 Dislikes: 0
HCG Diet Information