News: Miscellaneous
Interesting stuff about anything you find.
Posted At: 12/24/2022 7:26:49 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 1632 times
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Oh, I'll admit it isn't looking good this year but the war is never over. I'm still limping from an ambush three weeks ago. We were just outside Wyoming spraying down nativity scenes with napalm when they hit us. At first it was just some light caroling and we figured we had us some wet nosed UCC'ers on our hands. So we dug in. I took point with Das Kapital, Hoss set up the big rig burner we were using, and Lucky stood by to run us craft beers and angry pamphlets as we needed them.They started coming and we started having a real damn good war. We hit them with everything we had. Did you know Pepsi invented Santa Claus? Would you let a Muslim set up a statue in front of a courthouse? Did you know that Christmas is based on a pagan holiday? You didn't know that you miserable motherfarkers. You've never heard such mind-blowing shiat in your whole life. They were dropping like disillusioned flies.Then they stopped coming. It was suddenly quieter than when you accidentally say "God damn!" at atheist church. Then there was a low, heavy step. It was so deep we felt it rather than heard it. It took a minute for me to realize the horror of what it was. A reindeer. Let me tell you something, if you see a reindeer you just run. Don't try to hide. Don't try to fight. Those bastards weigh over three hundred pounds, have four ...
Posted At: 1/3/2022 12:05:34 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 1605 times
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So today, we’re diving into a notorious collection of the weirdest, most unfortunate, hilarious names people have heard. It will make us question the role names have in our lives, and make us wonder if they should maybe be taken a little more seriously.
Posted At: 1/3/2022 12:02:19 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 1527 times
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Used to be the average household could afford a NEW car, but quite a while ago that changed to the avaerage hoursehold only being able to afford a USED car. Now days, that's not even true, as even used cars are pricing people out. We go now to a car buyer and a car dealer from Omaha to learn more.$29,000 for an Average Used Car? Would-Be Buyers Are Aghast
Posted At: 6/15/2021 11:43:05 AM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 1789 times
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Phillips just announced that they have a recall on a large number of their devices because the accoustic dampening material inside the device can degrade over time and become cancerous. Any devices manufacturer after April 26, 2021 are safe, but if your device is older than that then you should check the list to see if your device is on the recall list.View the list at:
Posted At: 4/4/2021 10:26:42 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 1798 times
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Fired up my edge browser tonight, and this is what the news page said when it opened.
Posted At: 11/24/2020 9:27:34 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 2488 times
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A lot of people have been asking me what it's like being on the COVID wards in the hospital, so I figured I'd share what a typical day looks like for me:6am - Wake up. Roll off of my pile of money that Big Pharma gave me. Softly weep as it doesn't put a dent in my medical school loans6:30am - Make breakfast, using only foods from the diet that gives me everlasting life by avoiding all fats, sugars, carbs, and proteins. For details buy my book and check out my shop.7am - Get to work, load up my syringes with coronavirus before rounds.8am - See my patients for the day. Administer the medications that the government tells me to. Covertly rub essential oils on the ones I want to get better.9:30am - Call Bill Gates to check how 5G tower construction is going, hoping for more coronavirus soon. He tells me they're delayed due to repairs on the towers used to spread the Black Plague. Curse the fact that this is the most efficient way to spread infectious diseases.10am - One patient tells me he knows "the truth" about coronavirus. I give him a Tdap booster. He becomes autistic in front of my eyes. He'll never conspire against me again.11am - Tend to the secret hospital garden of St. John's wort and ginkgo leaves that we save for rich patients and donors.12:30pm - Pick up my briefcase of money from payroll, my gift from Pfizer for the incomprehensible profits ...
Posted At: 7/6/2011 6:40:54 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 2533 times
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This year, July has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays!! This happens only once every 823 years!
Posted At: 2/1/2011 9:26:24 AM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 2475 times
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If corporations are people, equivalent to flesh and blood people, then they must "live" by the same laws and regulations. For instance, until someone is of legal age, they cannot sign legal contracts...but corporations can from day 1.
If corporations are equivalent to people, then anyone who owns a share of stock is a slave owner.
If corporation are people, then they must have the same legal political contributions to candidates limits as individuals, and not a penny more.
If corporations are equivalent to people, then why can they hide money legally overseas to avoid taxes...and have a different tax system.
If corporations are people, what gender are they? Are they all male? If so, then they need to file with selective service. If they are all male or all female, then they can't merge (marry) in most states. If they are randomly male or female (like we are), then 2 male corporations can't merge. Corporations also shouldn't be able to merge with multiple other corporations because that could be considered polygamy.
No, corporations aren't people, but they are another type of legal entity...separate than people. A corporation can live forever. A corporation doesn't have a soul. If they are considered people, and they don't have to follow the same rules, and have the same rights and responsibilities, then they are a different class of person...possibly a higher class than flesh and blood people.
Posted At: 1/22/2010 12:45:49 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 2412 times
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So-called "Free Market Capitalism" (the big lie) is the state religion of the United States of Global Domination. The corporations are the un-physical body of the their God. Money is their form of prayer. "It's the economy" is one of their favorite refrains by the choir.Equal access to justice and any semblance of democracy is anathema to this religion which worships monetary profit and mind-numbing compliance. It is no different than any other corrupt religion with dreams of UNIVERSAL domination.Its greatest fraudulent deceit is in its invocation of that which it least represents and most desperately despises. Freedom.The "congregation sings "Security, security, security" as the rattle of their self-applied chains and shackles pulse a rhythm. Meanwhile, the acolyte media shiver in an orgiastic frenzy of distraction as the "minister" decries the EVIL as ever-growing outside.The "high-point" of this ceremony of submission is when the congregation files forward toward the altar, which is resplendent with phallic weaponry, in the deepest of passionate devotion, to offer themselves, or at least their offspring, to be PROUDLY sacrificed in an effort to make more room in the church for the ever-growing altar.
Posted At: 8/10/2009 11:23:54 AM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 2497 times
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Too many people are dying from simple medical errors, like injecting antiseptic liquid into a patient by mistake because it looked just like the antibiotic sitting next to it.A lady having surgery on her lung dies when the doctor accidentally stabs her heart with the scalpel.But nothing gets done cause none of the so-called professionals have to report it. They just say "Oh Well" and sickeningly even get paid full price for their lousy work.Sickening!