History of this planet

Isn't reality a completely cool, completely impossible trip?

Posted At: 1/8/2023 11:40:39 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 1226 times
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Getting old is a lot like that scene in "Back to the Future" when Marty and his family start fading from the photo. More and more things that you knew for most if not all of your life begin to disappear, one by one. The grandparents. One, if not both, of your parents. Perhaps a sibling, or friend, gone too soon, but not improbably soon. The kid from that TV series that you related to because you were about the same age. Each falling away one by one. You're left like a contestant in an old-time dance contest, wondering how many other competitors will be eliminated before the judge finally comes to tap you on the shoulder...
Posted At: 8/29/2022 1:57:21 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
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I have before heard about the mythical Rohela People, aliens and spaceships found in ancient cave paintings in India, this is the first I learned that they had an actual rocket-based combat system that they were using in warfare against England and it's famous Tea Company.Also interesting, the "rocket's red glare" as mentioned in the US National Anthem were created by rockets based on the design of these Mysorean Rockets from India.
Posted At: 1/7/2022 11:27:05 AM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 1475 times
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Something that's there and we barely notice, taking for granted: A blinking cursor. Before that simple blinking, it was way harder to get things done. This article goes through the history of it's creation, and how much Steve Jobs (pboh) hated them. Good article, except the glaring flaw that says we store files in the CPU. (heh)https://www.inverse.com/innovation/blinking-cursor-history
Posted At: 6/8/2021 11:27:59 AM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 1407 times
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This was made in 1870, "Bring Up the Dinner, Betsy" by British portrait photographer Harry Pointer and is probably the first humorous cat photo to "go viral" (Back then that meant passing around pictures known then as a Carte de visite (Visiting Card)
Posted At: 3/28/2021 11:16:22 AM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 1425 times
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The British used to rule 1/4 of the world's landmass and 1/3 of the world's population.  To say this gave them a god complex is an understatement.  I mean, shiat, the monarch's motto is "God and My Right", as-in, even if God His Own Damned Self told the monarch to fark right off, the monarch still trumps God by their very existence because they have more right to rule than just a mere Yahweh.  And the rest of the British think the monarch is a wanker.  So, they are more entitled than the guy/gal who thinks they are more entitled than God.Now, after WWII, Britain's empire was what is called in technical jargon "farking gone", while their economy was essentially negative - they still had rationing nine years after the war ended.  So, they needed to enter into an economic relationship with the rest of Europe if they wanted to eat and run off to terrorize Spanish children as a vacation.  This then grew into the political relationship called the EU.  But, despite gaining entire swaths of economic advantages from being in the EU, as well as a ridiculous number of exemptions from various EU rules, remember that the British think that God is their biatch's biatch, so having to do things like share, and be nice to, and not rape others was seen as a terrible imposition upon them.So, that out of the way, in 2010 the Tories (the Conservative Party) almost won a Parliamentary election.  They got the ...
Posted At: 7/19/2020 4:06:50 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 2341 times
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Smithsonian presents Aerial America: Nebraska. It's not so boring anymore.
Posted At: 6/29/2020 10:19:17 AM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
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I think the biggest thing I am trying to point out is that right now today, no matter how many things we get rid of, tear down, destroy, or censor - none of us now are going to forget that these things happened. These things were not good. They are mistakes to learn from. But think in the future, 50 years down the road. People who are not even born yet may not know anything about these things happening. On the surface, that seems like a good thing. BUT, also with these things erased, future people will not be taught of them.(Sidetrack: I'm a bit disturbed to find out about the Tulsa thing that happened in 1921 where angry racists burnt down what was known as "Black Wall Street". This was something I wished I'd have known about a long time ago, I just learned about this a few weeks ago after the protests started. Black people HAD "pulled themselves up by their bootstraps" and were doing financially very well in that sector. They were kind of slapping "White Wall Street" in the face with a "reverse racism" where since White Wall Street wouldn't do business with Black Folks, the Black Wall Street wasn't doing business with White Folks. White Folks got jealous and angry that these "Uppity blacks" were doing better than the dumb poor white folks, so they burnt it all down. I'd wondered over the years "Why don't black people just join forces financially/business-wise, and build their own ...
Posted At: 6/18/2020 10:10:45 AM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 2317 times
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On 4 October 1957, 14,000 people watched a large hangar on the outskirts of Toronto open to reveal a beautiful, large, white, delta-wing aircraft. The plane was the Avro Arrow interceptor. A third longer and broader than today’s Eurofighter Typhoon, the Arrow could fly close to Mach 2.0 (1,500 mph, or the maximum speed of Concorde), and had the potential to fly even faster. It was Canada’s Can$250m (US$1,58bn today) bid to become an aviation superpower.https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200615-the-record-breaking-jet-which-still-haunts-a-country
Posted At: 2/29/2020 7:10:42 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
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A day that rarely happens. Still seems weird that 20 years ago, in 2000, there was not a February 29th since it was a new millennium.
Posted At: 12/2/2019 2:30:11 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 1859 times
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Thousands of preserved games from many platforms. https://classicreload.com/