
Pay attention, you might just learn something!

Posted At: 2/1/2022 1:30:37 AM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 1640 times
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This is one of the cooler things I've seen on the internet in a while, a real-time satellite tracker, with groupings and orbital pathing. Stuff In Space
Posted At: 1/7/2022 9:26:42 AM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 1651 times
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Ants have been seen healing wounded trees—behavior that is believed to have never been observed before. When holes were drilled into Cecropia tree trunks, the ants emerged from their homes to patch up the wounds, significantly reducing the size of the holes within 2 1/2 hours and leaving them completely healed within 24 hours.
Posted At: 12/13/2019 12:16:16 AM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 1900 times
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One of these babies made her web on the frame of my window one spring. It turned out to be one of the most amazing summers of my life. I could simply look out my window and watch her hunt, build her web, and even have sex.I watched her grow up. She shed her skin four times that I saw when she got too big for it. She tore down and rebuilt her web every other night. The whole process took about two hours, between 3:00 and 5:00 AM. I killed flies in my house, took them out, and tossed them into the web. When they stuck, she grabbed them in seconds, wrapped them up, sometimes ate them, and other times she hung them on the web to eat later.In the fall, a male showed up, wanting to mate. The males are about the size of my little fingernail, legs and all. It strummed on the strings of her web like a guitar. She grabbed it and ate it. This happened three more times that I sawOne morning, a male showed up, strumming, and she didn't eat it. Instead, she ran around the web in a circle a couple of times, then she went to the center of the web and assumed the position. She sprawled her legs out and put her body flat against the web.The male, who was a fraction of her size, climbed onto her body and started running around and around, pausing briefly to hump in ...
Posted At: 5/9/2019 12:10:42 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 2206 times
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A clue to the physical meaning of the wavefunction Ψ(x,t) is provided by the two-slit interference of monochromatic light (Figure 7.1.1) that behave as electromagnetic waves. The wavefunction of a light wave is given by E(x,t), and its energy density is given by |E|2, where E is the electric field strength. The energy of an individual photon depends only on the frequency of light, ϵphoton=hf, so |E|2 is proportional to the number of photons. When light waves from S1 interfere with light waves from S2 at the viewing screen (a distance D away), an interference pattern is produced (7.1.1a). Bright fringes correspond to points of constructive interference of the light waves, and dark fringes correspond to points of destructive interference of the light waves (7.1.1b).Quantum Wavefunctions
Posted At: 1/10/2019 3:34:14 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 2241 times
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In further instancing the case of the King of Benin, the Consul General stated that the King, when coming down from the City during the rains, said the white man did not know how to stop the rain, but that, if he (the King) wanted to stop it, he would send down to the river, bring a man from there, and hang him up on the crucifixion trees. The Consul explained to the Chiefs how wrong and silly such a notion was, and said it would never be allowed by the British.—[Report of a Palaver at Brass, W. Africa: Standard, 8 November 1897.]It is an observation as old as Thucydides, that we may learn something about early stages of an advanced culture from the present-day practices of savagery. It is less commonly realized how much the practices of primitive savagery have to tell us about the less advanced elements in a present-day society which is for the most part civilized. We speak of primitive 'cultures'; and, therein, of arts or crafts, and other expressions of primitive personality, amazingly advanced in technique and aesthetic value; yet alongside of these modes of self expression, so rationally responsive to daily needs of humanity, such 'cultures' exhibit instances of an almost incredible stupidity—as it seems to us—and of intolerable, almost inhuman self-repression, all the more surprising from their association with such intimate interplay of hand and tongue with brain,, such orderly, intelligible— in a word, reasonable—accommodation of effort to need.I dealt briefly with this ...
Posted At: 1/5/2019 1:25:54 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 2308 times
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AFEW years ago at a New York City luncheon, a business acquaintance expressed a keen desire to have a conference with a Chicago scientific friend of one of the luncheon guests. He said: "Will you not telephone him and see if he will meet me in New York tomorrow?" Thus, at 12:00 noon, the telephone connection with Chicago was made, a conversation held with the friend, and at 12:45 P.M. the Chicago scientist took his train. At 10 o'clock next day the conference was held in New York, and at 2:45 p.m. the man of science was on his return journey which placed him in Chicago next morning, ready for his regular day's work. What an age in which to live!A science man, almost a thousand miles away, is needed for a conference. The telephone permits a brief conversation with words so clear that the peculiarities of friends' voices are heard almost as in the speaker's presence. A modern train transports the passenger while he eats, sleeps, and writes his plans for his meeting. The necessary conference is held next morning, and the following morning he is back at his regular post. This ready and effective communication and dizzy speed of travel have become ordinary and slow, as modern science continues to work. By wireless we speak not merely from New York to Chicago or to San Francisco, but over the oceans—around the earth in a few relays. So rapidly is science improving communication that we hesitate to write of ...
Posted At: 7/6/2017 3:39:35 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 2703 times
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In the Volcanic Tharsis region of Mars are frozen lava flows resembling waterfalls.More info here.
Posted At: 6/8/2017 10:09:30 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 2478 times
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Some very interesting scientific data on how tendons and ligaments actually heal themselves with actual chemobiological explanations. Great read while you're hurt, and why you should think about avoiding anti-inflammatory and NSAID medications. They may  make it worse even though they might make you feel temporarily betterHere's the link
Posted At: 6/5/2017 6:23:38 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 2346 times
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Loved this magazine growing up. They've donated all the issues to the Museum of Science Fiction which has the whole OMNI Archive on their site!I still have a nearly complete stash of every OMNI magazine ever made.Enjoy!
Posted At: 3/20/2017 1:27:50 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 3696 times
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Unlike the archaic "Mercator Projection" map of the Earth that we grew up with, this is the corrected view "Gall-Peters Projection" of the Earth:And for reference, the original "Mercator Projection":Quite a difference!