
Have something (Movie, Book, Device, Product, etc.) you'd like to post a review of? Do it here!

Posted At: 5/9/2019 1:42:39 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 2034 times
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So after all these years of following and loving Game of Thrones, we finally get definitive evidence that the so-called "great writers" (D&D) really don't care about the show anymore and basically phoned in some of the worst writing ever seen on the show. Just absolutely terrible, look at all this garbage:Why wouldn't-after defeating the greatest threat to mankind, a legendary army of undead-Daenerys take a brief break from her conquest to let her army rest?Whose coffee cup was it and where did it come from?So, the Never Have I Ever drinking game existed in Medieval times?Where does all the wine in the north come from? The climate isn't right for growing grapes, so they must import the wine at great cost.Did Big Dick Pod sneak off with two women?Why did the first half of this episode play out like a cringeworthy episode of Love Island?Does Gendry's title actually mean anything until Daenerys wins the war?Was the coffee cup actually part of the story and an indication that Game of Thrones takes place in our universe?Why wouldn't the showrunners show us Arya and Sansa's reaction to the news that Jon is a Targaryen?After George R.R. Martin spent decades writing thousands of years of Game of Thrones history, with generations of family lineages, why did the writers think it was okay to just say "the new prince of Dorne"? Did GRRM die inside a little bit when he heard that?Why can't Sansa keep a secret?Why would Jon send Ghost north?Wouldn't a ...
Posted At: 7/14/2010 8:54:45 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 2384 times
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The Hunt for Gollum is a re-mix of some of the the LoTR movie footage along with new third-party footage to show a completely different side-story that is really interesting if you like the idea of a more detailed look at the backstory. Maybe think of it as a tangent to other things going on during the original story.Definitely check it out at - it's online and free.
Posted At: 5/15/2009 10:35:40 AM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 2347 times
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The movie is a total reboot. And yes, it features time travel. While normally this is a giant red flag, in this case I don't think it's too bad. Especially when you want to make giant, universe-altering changes without pissing off the continuity nerds. Star Trek starts off with a big action sequence that holds no surprises. You'll immediately notice a few dramatic stylistic changes in the camera work. This movie owes more to the pseudo-documentary style of Firefly or BSG than the traditional pristine look of the last few decades of Trek. Space is pretty silent (although it somehow gets noisier as the movie continues), and they even do the cool thing of making sure that everything in space doesn't share the same Z-axis. Minor, but I love it. The intro ends with an emotional note that resonates strongly; it could have been cheesy but it works.So, they reboot the universe. We get some Kirk/Spock back story, and some brief moments at the academy. Wacky events occur, leaving most of our familiar characters aboard the Enterprise. We witness each of them rise to their known rank and positions. It's all very wink-wink. Occasionally a bit overly cutesy, but ultimately fun. I found the scoring a little weak (Abrams uses the same composer for everything), but many of the sound effects echo the original sources. The effects are just great: I would expect nothing less than perfect, and I got it.I particularly liked the Vulcan architecture. Yes, the new bridge ...
Posted At: 9/16/2005 3:18:37 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 6292 times
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Sent the following email to Hershey Foods. Just bought a pack of Reeses Pieces (Info on the label is 76JRV 6C 2). Very curious how you expect someone to open the package without access to scissors or without tearing it open with my teeth?  I can't get the darn thing opened, it's all plastic, with no way to tear the thing open like there is on an M&Ms package. What's the trick?