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Posted At: 7/16/2020 10:40:13 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
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"Earthquakes happen, people die," said a former conspiracy theorist. "There isn't always a nefarious plot behind it." Real conspiracies do exist and a healthy level of skepticism is vital to any society.  Same bizarre insight
Posted At: 6/3/2020 4:38:02 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
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One effect of the widespread protests across U.S. cities this week has been to renew discussions of what role the police should play in society.For many Americans, it goes without saying that the police are critical in maintaining public safety. Have an emergency? Call the police. But many others — especially black people and poor people — have long countered that the police pose more of a threat to their safety than a boon. See a police officer? Walk in the other direction.So it seems like a good moment to talk to Alex S. Vitale. He's the author of the 2017 book The End of Policing. In it, he argues that rather than focus on police reform or officer retraining, the country needs to reconsider fundamentally what it is the police should be doing at all. Read entire article at: https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2020/06/03/457251670/how-much-do-we-need-the-police
Posted At: 3/19/2020 12:41:03 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 1498 times
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Democrats when asked to vote for Sanders:We don't need broad sweeping change, we need small meaningful incremental improvementsDemocrats when asked to vote for small, meaningful incremental payments to alleviate immediate pain on laid off and struggling workers:Incremental improvements are not enough. We need broad, sweeping change.The hypocrisy is overwhelming.
Posted At: 3/4/2020 8:42:36 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 1628 times
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Just when the little one was really starting to take off, the coronavirus put the kibosh on the whole thing. Hasbro confirms it has been forced to contend with coronavirus delays
Posted At: 3/4/2020 8:00:45 AM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 1641 times
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Instead of smoothing out the market, the surprise rate cut yestersday instead spooked investors, causing stock prices to fall even further. Panic is not a good look for the Fed. They are used to managing Demand Shocks, not Supply Shocks. Rate cuts won't increase factory output.Here's what analysts and investors are thinking now
Posted At: 3/3/2020 10:32:58 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 1580 times
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Until the 1980s, big companies in America tended to take a paternalistic attitude toward their workforce. Many corporate CEOs took pride in taking care of everyone who worked at their corporate campuses. Business leaders loved to tell stories about someone working their way up from the mailroom to a C-suite office.But this began to change in the 1980s. Wall Street investors demanded that companies focus more on maximizing returns for shareholders. An emerging corporate orthodoxy held that a company should focus on its "core competence"—the one or two functions that truly sets it apart from other companies—while contracting out other functions to third parties.Companies' obsession with efficiency hasn't always been good for workers.
Posted At: 3/3/2020 10:05:37 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 1549 times
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AN ASTEROID capable of ending human civilisation if it hits will approach our planet in April, NASA's asteroid trackers have confirmed.Asteroid warning: NASA tracks a 4KM killer rock on approach - Could end human civilisation
Posted At: 3/3/2020 9:52:59 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 1502 times
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A black hole about 390 million light-years away has caused the biggest eruption ever seen in the universe. The supermassive black hole sits at the center of a galaxy located in the Ophiuchus galaxy cluster. Its eruption was about five times greater than the last record-holder. Thr universe's largest explosion
Posted At: 3/3/2020 9:31:03 PM
Posted By: Comfortably Anonymous
Viewed: 1682 times
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Despite many decades of study the physical origin of 'dark matter' (DM) in the Universe remains elusive. In this letter we calculate the properties of a completely new DM candidate—Bose–Einstein condensates formed from a recently discovered bosonic particle in the light-quark sector, the ${{d}}^{* }({\rm{2380}})$ hexaquark. In this first study, we show stable ${d}^{\ast }(2380)$ Bose–Einstein condensates could form in the primordial early universe, with a production rate sufficiently large that they are a plausible new candidate for DM. Some possible astronomical signatures of such DM are also presented.A new possibility for light-quark dark matter